Daily Times (Primos, PA)

You make a difference

- By Catherine Galasso-Vigorito cgv@anewyouwor­ldwide.com Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

A while ago, a friend of mine told me a story about a teacher who decided to honor each of her students. She began by calling each student individual­ly to her desk. Then, she told each of them how they had made a difference in her life. She recognized their special God-given gifts. And she explained with a smile how they had made a difference to the class and to others in the school. Each student beamed with pride. Next, the teacher presented the students with a blue ribbon that was imprinted with gold letters. The ribbon read, “You make a difference.”

Afterwards, the teacher decided to do a class project to see what kind of impact recognitio­n would have on the public. She gave each of the students three more blue ribbons. Next, she instructed simply, “Go out into the community and give the ribbons to people who have made a difference in the lives of others.” Everyone agreed.

As soon as the sun rose the following day, one of the boys in the class went to a local company and spoke to a junior executive. Certain of his good works, the boy honored the junior executive for unselfishl­y helping him with his career planning. The boy presented the junior executive with a blue ribbon as he thanked him for his help. The junior executive was amazed and stood there speechless. After a few minutes, the boy gave the junior executive two extra ribbons and said, “We’re doing a class project on recognitio­n in school. Can you find someone you’d like to honor in the community?”

Nodding yes, the junior executive agreed, as the boy continued, “Please give the blue ribbon to someone who made a difference in the lives of others. But then, give that person the extra blue ribbon, so they can acknowledg­e a third person, to keep the recognitio­n going.”

The next morning, the junior executive went into his boss’s office. He told his boss that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius, and that he had made a difference in his life. The boss seemed surprised, as the junior executive gave him the blue ribbon. And, the junior executive asked, “Can you take another ribbon and pass it on by honoring somebody who has made a difference in your life?”

Humbled, the boss said that he was happy to do so. And thanked the junior executive.

That night, the boss came home from work. Once there, he approached his teenage son. Sitting nearby him on the sofa, he told his son, “The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me. He gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius and for making a difference in his life.”

There was a brief silence. “Imagine that,” the father exclaimed. The son listened intently. “Additional­ly, he gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor for making a difference in his life. And I want to honor you with this ribbon,” he said to his beloved son, as he handed him the ribbon.

Talking slowly, the father uttered sincerely, “My days are busy; and when I come home, I do not pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes, I yell at you for not getting good-enough grades in school, and for your bedroom being a mess. Somehow, tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me. You are the most important person in my life. You’re a great kid, and I love you!”

Startled, the boy began to cry. He cleared his throat, looked up at his father and said through his tears, “Dad, I just didn’t think that you cared about me at all. Earlier today, I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom, explaining why I didn’t want to live anymore. But I don’t need that letter now.”

The father embraced his son. And with that, the father became a changed man. He made sure to let his family, friends and all of his employees know, regularly, that they made a profound difference in his life.

Accordingl­y, let’s never forgot to let people know that they have made a difference in our lives.

No matter what is happening right now, let’s be on the lookout every day to share ourselves, our love and our blessings.

Let us offer others positive affirmatio­ns and sincere encouragem­ent. Point out certain achievemen­ts and give heartfelt compliment­s. Stay respectful and considerat­e of other people’s needs, looking for ways to improve relationsh­ips. Perhaps, it can help someone to just listen, giving them our undivided attention. And if we are tempted to criticize, let’s first ask ourselves, “Will this help this person?” “Would this be pleasing in God’s sight?” We must use words to build others up, not to tear them down.

The same amount of mercy and compassion we show to others is the amount of mercy and compassion God will extend back to us. We serve a God who is gracious and fair. He sees the wrongs and unjust circumstan­ces that have occurred. And though it is difficult, it is sometimes best to swallow our pride, show unconditio­nal love, forgive and forget.

Let us pray for each other and show kindness and compassion to those we encounter, even strangers, rememberin­g those who suffer or have a need, and in our own way, helping them through it. Some time back, I received a letter from a reader who wrote, “I’m a Chaplain at a federal prison. I had an inmate walk in and hand me a collection of your articles one of his family members is sending to him. You are blessing him and giving him courage to grow in the Lord through your writing. He passed them on to me to give me a blessing. I read them and I, too, received strength. I bet you never imagined the far-reaching nature of your gift of writing to reach the dark place of a prison. The Lord’s light shines even here.”

So, strive to help others. One person at a time, one day at a time, and one good deed at a time, you can make a difference that will leave a lasting impact on the world.

God bless you, for you make a difference!

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