Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off:

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Thank you for printing Tim Donovan’s letter to the editor (March 30); I always enjoy reading all of his past letters. He seems to be a kind-hearted individual. Mr. Donovan, I hope you are well taken care of in the nursing home for your chronic health condition. I too laud the health care workers, first responders, grocery workers and all those who are at risk during this very challengin­g time. As Mr. Donovan said, efforts of being practical and prayers will surmount this COVID-19 virus.


It bothers “Johnny from Boothwyn” that “left-wing elitists” like myself mostly try not to state lies and half-truths as facts, the way most Trump lovers do here - and that we call them out on it when they do. Good! I’m glad. Perhaps “Johnny” can make the effort to disprove statements I’ve made here instead of making asinine comments about crayons and coloring books. That would be refreshing coming from any of the Trump supporters who are frequently published in Sound Off.



While Donald dithered throughout January, February and half of March, the critical shortages of safety gear and life-supporting equipment remained self-evident. While some Americans will continue to hail our contempora­ry version of Roman Emperor Nero, it’s become obvious to others that it’s time for what’s left of the Republican Party to rescue itself and nominate an actual party person for president in 2020.



God bless and many thanks to all who serve, support and service our families, friends, homes and communitie­s. My prayers are with each and

every one of you and together we will win this war.



I’m glad to hear this stimulus package is moving along. Many are in need of the money it provides. And I’m ecstatic that the foreign-flagged cruise ship lines are not included. They have their ships flagged in foreign countries to avoid U.S. taxes and laws. Now if only the airlines (not their employees) were also included. Do you remember when gas prices were through the roof? Airlines started charging a fuel fee and baggage fee to make up for their loss. When prices dropped airlines kept charging those fees, and the government (both parties) let them.

The airlines make billions, yes, that’s with a “B,” every year because of those fees. The fees they don’t need anymore because fuel is half what it was. And upper management gets bonuses for it. The employees don’t. And the passengers are paying more than they should have to. No stimulus for airlines either.


To “Money for Nothing:” Either cite your source of tax informatio­n regarding the “tax-free” stimulus money having to be included as earnings for 2020 or write an apology to the Delco Times readers for your lie. You sound like a Trump campaigner.



National Vietnam Veterans Day is March 29.

It is also the day chosen to dedicate in Philadelph­ia at our Vietnam Veterans Memorial the National POW-MIA memorial. Unfortunat­ely, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no public ceremony. It will be a virtual dedication on Facebook. To all my brothers and sisters, welcome home! To the PVVMF board members and all who made personal and financial contributi­ons to make this first POW-MIA memorial a reality I say “well done!” SemperFi.



To “JB,” who disagreed with my view on the left holding up the vote to pass the stimulus funds, my point was Pelosi and Schumer wanted dollars for the Kennedy Foundation which they received but they also wanted millions of dollars to go for immigrants coming into the U.S. and millions for Planned Parenthood to continue their abortion program. From the beginning the money was supposed to be for American citizens who are suffering financiall­y.

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