Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off:

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Yo Trumpaholi­cs! Please tell me where you purchase your Advil in bulk. Listening to President Incompeten­t claim everything is “...beautiful, great, unbelievab­le, incredible, amazing, tremendous,” and of course, “...perfect, just like the letter, but not as perfect as the letter” is challengin­g the strength of my blood vessels! Aah! Now Mr. My Pillow is on! Now MMP, after a twominute commercial, is kissing PI’s bottom. Now, more corporate sponsors take the stage at this daily briefing. Each speaker attempts to outpraise the previous one. Strange isn’t it? PI and all the lackeys never mention that the United States now has the most coronaviru­s cases in the world and there are still not enough tests, ventilator­s, and PPE available? Just imagine Trump Zombies how different America’s case and fatality numbers would be if President Incompeten­t had not waited six weeks before taking this virus seriously!


The right-winger from Spring City strikes again, attempting to delineate Democratic and Republican parties on the basis of how leadership is dealing with this virus crisis. First of all, there is no simple and true delineatio­n, except in the writer’s head. However, he lost all credibilit­y near the very start of his article when he praised Trump’s leadership, obviously without knowledge of how the crisis practicall­y had to bite the man on his butt before he did anything at all about it, and of how Trump publicly announced that the crisis would just miraculous­ly go away. That’s real leadership, eh? After that foolishnes­s, why should anyone take the rest of the writer’s “points” seriously? But most indicative of the mindset we are dealing with here is the author’s approval of states in which gun shops are considered essential. Gun shops. Really. That says a lot, and what it says is not good. And neither is it moral.



I see where Nancy and the Dems got their wish list put into the coronaviru­s bill. What does any of this stuff have to do with the coronaviru­s? First off, your average American does not have the money or the time to see a show at the Kennedy Center or any other theater. You will have to pay for this at the polls in November. You should have paid attention to what was going on in the world instead of wasting time impeaching the president. Shame on you. This will not be forgotten.


What’s going on with the banking industry right now? I belong to a certain large credit union here in Delaware County. You know who they are. It seems they only have two banks open with the drivethru. The banks are essential and they are supposed to be completely open. How can you expect people to go to a drive-thru and wait two hours in line to do some necessary things? You can’t do an

ATM. Everyone is not off from work being made to wait behind 30,000 people with one teller working. That is not what I consider open. I want to be able to get my money. You know, we need to let the governor know what’s going on here. I don’t need to hear these are tough times and all that blah blah blah. Other places are open.



Trump’s total lack of leadership during the coronaviru­s crisis has been as obvious as his corruption. There has never been a more unprepared leader for a crisis than Donald Trump. As a matter of fact, in the beginning of the coronaviru­s crisis Donald Trump was saying it was much ado about nothing. What we have is an alleged present this country and what’s worse is we have complete imbeciles this country who are touting his wonderful response to the birth of ISIS, which is a joke.



These politician­s come on TV and tell me how bad this pandemic is. Then they preempt a lot of the TV shows that I watch and tell me the same thing over and over and about other counties and other states. Why not just use your public access channel to get the informatio­n that we need? It’s ridiculous what they’re doing.

All they do is repeat themselves. I WANT MY OLD SHOWS


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