Daily Times (Primos, PA)

We must still make the most of Earth Day

It’s Earth Day. Typically that means plenty of big, public events celebratin­g the joys of nature and advocating for policies and practices that protect the environmen­t.


And it’s the event’s 50th anniversar­y, which would have meant even bigger commemorat­ions than usual, drawing plenty of extra attention to the message behind the observance. Milestone numbers just have a way of grabbing people.

Of course restrictio­ns to protect against COVID-19 have upended plans for a big spring Earth Day observance this year, at least in the ways it’s usually done.

The good news is that if lots of people celebrate the occasion on their own and follow through on its message in the coming days, weeks and months, they can have an impact as great or greater than any big event.

This Earth Day, let’s commit ourselves to adapting sound practices in our own lives and to advocating for government and corporate policies that keep our land, air and water clean.

Never forget that the advent of Earth Day in 1970 was a key moment in the developmen­t of a movement that made tremendous strides in improving what had been a disastrous situation. It led to the enactment of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, among other measures.

One need look no further than our own Schuylkill River to see how far we’ve come. What was once considered a dirty unappealin­g waterway is now the centerpiec­e for much of the region’s recreation. The same is true in many other places around the country.

But this is no time for complacenc­y. It would be all too easy for decades of progress to come apart if people stop being vigilant about these important matters.

Here are some things people can do today and beyond to recognize Earth Day:

• Celebrate nature. The pandemic should not stop people from enjoying the outdoors, provided they stick to areas that aren’t crowded and follow social distancing measures. Connecting with nature is good for our mental health at a time when so many badly need a boost. It’s also possible to enjoy nature from within your home by watching videos and webcam feeds from zoos, aquariums, national parks and other sources.

• Save energy. A little effort can make a big difference. For example, a person can save about 100 kilowatt hours of energy in a year by reducing their shower time by only one minute. Multiply that number by the millions of people in this region, and real progress would be made. The same goes for simple things such as turning off the lights when you leave a room. Or try reading a book for a while instead of watching streaming video. Saving electricit­y means a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. That’s good for our climate and the natural world.

• Clean up. There may not be the usual major cleanup efforts going on this spring, but each of us can do our part to keep our property and neighborho­od clear of litter. Take a walk with a trash bag and encourage neighbors to do the same.

• Watch your diet. Try more plant-based recipes and work to reduce how much food you throw away.

• Travel wisely. Today’s restrictio­ns won’t last forever. Consider car-pooling or mass transit when practical, and opt for fuel-efficient vehicles. We’ve cut pollution considerab­ly due to so many people staying home. Let’s preserve some of that progress once we’ve returned to normal.

• Support renewable energy sources. Wind and solar power have become widely available.

• Shop wisely. Look for products with the Energy Star label, which means they’ve been certified to save energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Earth Day this year presents us with the same choice we’ve seen so many times since mid-March. We can put the whole thing aside because we can’t celebrate the way we normally would, or we can make the best of the situation as it is.

Considerin­g what’s at stake when it comes to Earth Day, there’s no doubt that the latter choice is the only one we can take.

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