Daily Times (Primos, PA)

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I just saw on the nightly news Lindsey Graham promising there will be a smooth transition in January should Trump lose. Well, I think we all know how much his word is worth. I don’t know how this guy looks himself in the mirror every morning. John McCain must be rolling over in his grave.



Donald Trump is now talking openly about doing away with the election and having a “continuati­on of power.” People fretting socialism need to wake up and recognize that socialism (stimulus checks, unemployme­nt benefits, medicare, etc.) is the only thing keeping the U.S. going. It’s fascism and the wanna-be dictator in the White House that will be the death of this country.



After reading the Chris Freind Hypocrisy piece on 9/23, it is yet another reminder of the Republican hypocrisy that is rampant. You, Mitch McConnell, Trump, the list is endless. Break the rules, just as long as your side wins, right? If you are Republican, you are a hypocrite. If you are a Trump fan, you are a flaming hypocrite. Way to ruin America Republican­s, nice going, must be so proud.



Joe Biden insists that he is not a socialist, but he promises free college education for all students whose family income is less than

$125,000 a year. Biden’s plan goes beyond what was being promised by Bernie Sanders. Why start another college education plan when we have not recovered from the student loan crisis - $1.6 trillion in student debt plus millions of students went to college who would have been better served in a technical school. When the government guaranteed student loans, parents had more money to spend. Universiti­es seized the opportunit­y and raised their fees (double?). Inflation brings $5,000 up to

$12,000 . Guaranteed student loans permitted universiti­es to gradually double their fees. If the U.S. pays for tuition at public colleges, they will also jack up tuition. They are not stupid. Many private universiti­es will go out of business.

Biden has no idea what his program would cost. Beware of Biden bringing gifts



To “Johnnie from Boothwyn,” who quotes the Bible about “thou shall not kill”. Any comments on Trump murdering soldiers when he bombed Iran? What about the Catholic Attorney General that reinstated the death penalty? 200,000 coronaviru­s deaths? I don’t remember the Bible addressing many caveats to the 10 Commandmen­ts. CATHOLIC DEMOCRAT



After all this time, and after all that has happened in and to our nation since 2016, we still have people whose narrow minds refuse to recognize that the purpose of the demonstrat­ions NFL players display during the National Anthem are not intended to “disrespect” the military or the country. They should refuse to buy tickets and refuse even to tune into any of the games instead of continuous­ly complainin­g about it. This way, they hit their enemies in the pocketbook, right? Interestin­gly, the most well-known person to show disrespect for our military is this so-called “commander-in-chief,” whom no doubt many of these “true patriots” continue to adore. The players, after all, have never declared during their brief protests that our dead soldiers were “suckers and losers.”



A few years ago when Obamacare was passed, Obama and Biden lied to America about keeping your health care provider and then Obama and Biden lied about the cost of health care not going up. Biden lied then, can we trust him now?? Next Biden sent industry and millions of jobs to China and got him son a high-paying in China. Now he says he is going to bring industry and jobs back from China. (Trump is already doing this.) If Biden is elected, he will take orders from the trio of hate, Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff and the gang of four, who showed their mental capacity by using the MF words on national TV.

If Biden wins, goodbye democracy, hello socialism and strife. Think before you vote.

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