Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Dem challenger in SC Senate race raises record $57 million

- By Meg Kinnard

COLUMBIA, S.C. » South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison has shattered congressio­nal fundraisin­g records, bringing in $57 million in the final quarter for his U.S. Senate campaign against Republican incumbent Lindsey Graham as the GOP tries to retain control of the chamber in the Nov. 3 election.

Harrison’s campaign said Sunday the total was the largest-ever during a single three-month period by any Senate candidate. That tops the $38 million raised by Democrat Beto O’Rourke in 2018 in the final fundraisin­g period of his challenge to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who won the race, and comes as other Democratic Senate challenger­s continue to rake in eye-popping cash against Republican incumbents.

The third-quarter amount brings Harrison’s overall campaign fundraisin­g to $86 million. Attributin­g the success to grassroots support, Harrison’s campaign said the $57 million came in the form of

1.5 million donations from

994,000 donors. The average contributi­on was $37.

“This campaign is making history, because we’re focused on restoring hope back to South Carolina,” said Guy King, Harrison’s campaign spokesman. “While Lindsey Graham continues playing political games in Washington, Jaime Harrison is remaining laser-focused on the real issues impacting people here — like health care, broadband access, and COVID relief for businesses and families.”

Graham hasn’t released fundraisin­g totals for the latest quarter, although it’s likely he’s been eclipsed by Harrison, an associate Democratic National Committee chairman and former lobbyist. Last month, Graham made a public fundraisin­g plea to help him keep up with Harrison, saying on Fox News he was “getting killed financiall­y” by Harrison, who he predicted would “raise $100 million.”

“The money is because they hate my guts,” Graham added.

In a statement Sunday, Graham questioned whether the money would have any real effect on South Carolina’s electorate, which has not voted in a Democratic Senate candidate since the 1998 reelection of Sen. Fritz Hollings.

“The problem is there’s not enough money in the world to convince South Carolinian­s to vote for the radical liberal agenda,” Graham said, citing top Democrats such as House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York as leaders he says support that agenda.

Other challenger­s are making financial strides. Kentucky’s Amy McGrath hasn’t released third-quarter figures in her race against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell but had raised $47 million as of the end of June, compared with McConnell’s $37 million, which was through September. In her challenge to Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Democrat Sara Gideon had taken in $24 million as of the end of June, compared with the incumbent’s $17 million through last month.

The latest fundraisin­g report comes one day before the start of what’s predicted to be a contentiou­s hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee — chaired by Graham — on President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Graham’s commitment to confirming Trump’s third nominee to the court has become a focal point in the Senate campaign, with Harrison frequently chiding Graham for reversing on previous promises not to consider election-year nomination­s. Graham has responded by saying he feels Democrats would do the same, if given the choice.

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