Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Biden harnesses history to describe urgency of 2020 campaign

- By Bill Barrow

GETTYSBURG, PA. » Presidenti­al hopefuls tend to declare every upcoming election the most important one that voters have faced in their lifetime. Joe Biden goes bigger.

The Democratic nominee portrays 2020 as an entangleme­nt of social, economic, politic a l, environmen­tal and public health crises as threatenin­g to America’s stability as the Civil War and the Great Depression. Biden points to the presidents of those times — Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt — for inspiratio­n, even using one of the nation’s most hallowed battlefiel­ds, where Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address in 1863, as a backdrop for his closing argument against President Donald Trump.

“A century and a half after Gettysburg, we should consider again what can happen when equal justice is denied and when anger and violence and division are left unchecked,” Biden said in rural Pennsylvan­ia.

He pledged, as president, to “marshal the ingenuity and good will of this nation to turn division into unity and bring us together.” Refashioni­ng Lincoln’s words, Biden added: “It cannot be that here and now, in 2020, that we will allow the government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish from this Earth. It cannot, and it must not.”

The approach, Biden aides say, is more than lofty presidenti­al rhetoric; it’s necessary groundwork for governing. Being a steady alternativ­e to Trump, the ex-reality television star Biden describes as “erratic” and “dangerous,” may be

enough to win in November, they argue.

But once in office, Biden would need a clear mandate from a splintered electorate if he hopes to enact the kinds of comprehens­ive proposals he proposes to control the coronaviru­s pandemic and its economic fallout, combat the climate crisis and confront centuries of racial and economic inequities.

“A lot of good work and thinking is going into how to actually tackle the challenges in this moment of crisis that the Trump administra­tion has failed to address and resolve,” Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, a Biden confidant, said in a recent interview.

“It ’s simple,” added Coons, who holds the same Senate seat Biden occupied for 36 years. “But it’s complicate­d.”

A Biden aide who was not authorized to publicly discuss strategy and spoke on condition of anonymity said the campaign is considerin­g at least one more major speech before the Nov. 3 election with the kind of historical sweep and imagery that Biden mustered in Gettysburg.

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“Tom Dewey,” quipped Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker and Trump ally. He was referring to Republican­s’ 1948 presidenti­al nominee, who appeared a sure victor over President Harry S. Truman at a time of domestic uncertaint­y after World War II.

“Dewey spent a large part of October talking about how great a president he’d be, and Truman spent October taking Dewey apart” on the particular­s, Gingrich said of Truman’s comeback victory.

As dire as Trump’s political standing appears to be, Republican­s have countered Biden’s argument for an ambitious presidency with equally stark warnings that the longtime center-left deal-maker is in fact a vessel for a leftward lurch toward socialism.

In Trump’s telling, Biden’s ideas to combat the pandemic would cripple economic activity; his tax plans are confiscato­ry wealth redistribu­tion; health care insurance expansion amounts to a government takeover; his energy overhaul to stymie climate change would kill millions of jobs; and



aphis talk of racial injustice amounts to declaring the whole country racist.

Biden has from the start of his campaign talked of Trump as an existentia­l threat to the “soul of the nation.” He nodded to racial injustice with frequent reminders that “we haven’t always lived up to those values” in the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce. During the primary campaign he made standard Democratic arguments about bolstering the middle class.

But the coronaviru­s, its economic damage and a summer of protests of police violence against Black Americans have accelerate­d Biden’s rhetoric.

“The blinders have been taken off. People realize what’s at stake here,” Biden said Saturday in Erie, Pennsylvan­ia, repeating what has become a go-to line in nearly every campaign setting. Another line: “The country is ready. They get it.”

And he swats away Trump’s caricature­s. “Do I look like a socialist?” he said recently in Miami.

Biden’s tack bears cursory resemblanc­e to some of Trump’s stagecraft.

The president made Democrats seethe in August as he used the White House as his backdrop to accept the Republican nomination for a second term. Before that, Trump traveled to Mount Rushmore on the weekend of July Fourth for a dramatic address. His backdrop: the carved likenesses of Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt.

“I’ve done more for the Black community than any other president ... with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln,” Trump said in September, four months after conducting an interview with Fox News from the feet of the Lincoln Memorial.

Biden described his Gettysburg speech as “dramatic” in a preview to donors hours before he delivered it. Yet while Trump makes explicit comparison­s to his predecesso­rs in terms of accomplish­ment and renown, Biden’s language more carefully calls upon them as inspiratio­n.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020.
ANDREW HARNIK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Democratic presidenti­al candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020.

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