Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Biden seeks swift Cabinet votes, but GOP Senate stays silent

- By Lisa Mascaro and Matthew Daly

WASHINGTON » As President-elect Joe Biden started rolling out his administra­tive team, one voice has been notably silent: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Senate Republican­s will hold great sway in confirming or denying Biden’s Cabinet nominees, regardless of which party controls the narrowly split Senate after runoff elections. But key Republican senators, including the GOP leader, are keeping quiet, for now, choosing their battles ahead.

In announcing his national security team, Biden appealed Tuesday to the Senate to give the nominees “a prompt hearing” and “begin the work to heal and unite America and the world.”

The soonest the Senate would consider the nomination­s is Inaugurati­on Day, Jan. 20, when past presidents often have been able to win swift confirmati­on of top national security officials shortly after taking the oath of office.

But with President Donald Trump still disputing the election, McConnell is setting the tone for Senate Republican­s by not publicly congratula­ting Biden or acknowledg­ing Trump’s defeat. He wants to give the president time to contest the vote, even as Trump’s legal team has been losing most of the cases.

Even if McConnell is willing to accept Biden’s choices for top Cabinet positions, the Republican leader is not expected to allow easy Senate confirmati­on without a political price.

He is known for driving hard bargains even on routine business, and Republican­s are eager to level payback on Democrats for running out the clock with procedural hurdles to Trump’s nominees.

Nominees need 51 votes for confirmati­on. Heading into 2021, Republican­s have a 50-48 hold on the chamber. But if Democrats win both Georgia seats in the Jan. 5 runoff elections, they

would flip to majority control because the vice president-elect, Kamala Harris, is a tie breaker.

Republican strategist Alex Conant said McConnell is “trying to show some deference to Trump in hopes of promoting party unity” ahead of the Georgia election.

The outcome in January is certain to make a narrowly held Senate. If McConnell retains control, it’s unclear what priorities he would extract from the Biden administra­tion in return for confirmati­on.

If Democrats win control, they will have no margin for dissent among more progressiv­e or conservati­ve flanks in approving Biden’s nominees.

Biden purposeful­ly tapped seasoned government officials for his national security team as he vows a diverse administra­tion reflecting the nation.

Those introduced Tuesday are alumni of Barack Obama’s administra­tion and Biden’s own decades in Washington: Antony Blinken, nominated to be secretary of state; Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban American former federal prosecutor who would be the first immigrant as secretary of homeland security; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a career diplomat, as ambassador to the United Nations; and Avril Haines, who would be the first woman to serve as director of national intelligen­ce.

He also announced John Kerry, the former secretary of state, senator and 2004 Democratic presidenti­al nominee, as a special presidenti­al envoy for climate, and Jake Sullivan, a former top Hillary Clinton aide as national security adviser. Those two positions do not require Senate confirmati­on.

Biden is also expected to tap Janet Yellen, the former chair of the Federal Reserve, as treasury secretary.

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