Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Let us give thanks separately for what we achieve together


The tale of the first Thanksgivi­ng starts with the harvest celebratio­n of the Pilgrims and the Indians that took place in the autumn of 1623.

As the story goes, the two groups, one invaders in the other’s land, put aside their difference­s and broke bread together to celebrate a harvest of food coming in the midst of a tough year of survival.

The story of that first Thanksgivi­ng, though far removed from our lives in

2020, has many of the same elements. People of different background­s still approach each other with uncertaint­ies. And when the barrier of difference­s is crossed, people come together for a common good, even as that “togetherne­ss” is marked these days by 6-feet of distance.

That first Thanksgivi­ng for the Pilgrims was in celebratio­n of a bountiful harvest coming after a devastatin­g winter months earlier.

The Indians had helped the newcomers to North America survive and had helped teach them how to hunt and grow crops that led to their bounty. History tells us their feast lasted three days.

This is 2020, centuries later, in a world in the grip of a virus pandemic that has killed 1.35 million people worldwide,

250,000 in the U.S., and continues to sicken millions more every day. A feast like that first Thanksgivi­ng would be an unfortunat­e super-spreader event in the time of a pandemic, not the example of joyous unity considered in normal times. The Pilgrims’ harsh winter was of small consequenc­e compared to this global devastatio­n.

In our year, we have also witnessed a reawakenin­g of protests for racial justice, an unpreceden­ted election in which the president is refusing to concede, violence in our cities, and economic upheaval.

Come together and give thanks? Yes, and unlikely as it may seem, that first Thanksgivi­ng has a message for us even in this troubled modern era.

We may be socially distanced from our loved ones, but we can join them in spirit with thankfulne­ss for health and the joy of our households. Our physical isolation does not mean we have lost love, happy memories or common hopes.

Even in our virus worries, we have a remarkable reason to hope with the news of a vaccine coming sooner than prediction­s.

Like the Pilgrims’ hardships brought by climate and difficulty growing crops in a different land, people in our nation today have endured a year marked by heartbreak..

Hurricanes and flooding have devastated regions, as have wildfires and tornadoes.

Our nation and our communitie­s struggle against racism and prejudice toward those different from us, and those shortcomin­gs threaten to overcome any progress we may be making as a human race.

Families in this year have been shattered by the deaths of loved ones in CO

VID isolation. The effects of the pandemic have decimated the economy and left many without jobs and an income to pay the rent or buy food.

And yet ...

Even in the face of adversity and always in its aftermath, people of all races, religions and political persuasion­s come together and work for a common good. We have seen the positive result with a concerted enterprise to develop a COVID-19 vaccine quickly and safely. We witnessed during the summer Blacks and Whites kneeling together in our towns to demonstrat­e resolve for racial equity and an end to prejudice and brutality, demonstrat­ions that have already resulted in police reforms aimed at better transparen­cy and interracia­l understand­ing.

Not so different than the Indians and the Pilgrims who found ways to overcome hardships by working together.

As Thanksgivi­ng celebrated their coming together, this day can be our coming together.

This can be the day we sit down to our own bounty, whether it is dinner for two with a Zoom meeting or takeout deliveries to relatives and friends around town. We can still join in a common gathering of thanks for surviving what we have survived and achieving what we can achieve. Despite our troubles, we are blessed. Despite our difference­s, we are the same in our basic needs for food, shelter, companions­hip and purpose.

Like our forefather­s throughout the centuries, let us celebrate the harvest and be thankful that even in our distancing, we are not alone.

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