Daily Times (Primos, PA)

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Refreshing to see old rivals like G.W. with Obama and Bill Clinton standing together on the news. They are brilliant individual­s who can put their political difference­s aside to come together for a good cause, just like the elder G.H.W. with Bill Clinton who worked on projects together. However, it’s difficult to get through unintellig­ent people in everyday life to put sense into their hard shells. These people are so delusional and lack common sense so as to still maintain that the election was rigged. It has been checked out and there’s no evidence that it was fraudulent. After experienci­ng years of incompeten­ce, divisivene­ss and invective thrown at others by Trump, as a world leader, it looks very disrespect­ful and unprofessi­onal on his part. Yet, when his supporters are called out for their imprudence, they retaliate and think we are the ones who look bad for criticizin­g them. Unfortunat­ely, there’s no vaccine or cure for idiocy.


Time Magazine announced that the Person of the Year cover this year will be Biden and Harris. Since when are two people a person? And what did they do to receive this recognitio­n? Being a part of the worse and most fraudulent election ever? And, why wasn’t Trump ever on the cover? And why hasn’t our beautiful first lady who is one of the outstandin­g first ladies never been on the cover of any female magazine? How more biased can our news media be?



I read the response from “Gerrie” today. To let you know I have four newspapers a day delivered - Inquirer, the Philly Daily News, the Times and New York Post. At least two to three times a week I buy USA Today and the New York Daily News. I was raised by a die-hard Democrat. When Nixon won in ‘68 I went to my father and said, “What are we gonna do, dad?” He said, “What do you mean? We’re gonna get behind our president like we always do.” Because of mindsets held today, you don’t hear that thought expressed. I deeply love my nation. Having said that I know we’re not perfect, no country is, but I believe we are the greatest nation that has ever existed in the history of the earth. Learn to respect other opinions beside your own. Disagree but don’t fling debasing accusation­s like your side of a story is the only one. Dear God, we’re Americans. We are better than that.


Rev. Raffaella Warnock is a pro-life pastor running in the U.S. Senate race in Georgia. Tony Dungy, Super Bowl winning coach, says that Rev. Warnock may be a pastor, but is not a Christian. President-elect Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi both claim that they are pro-life Catholics. Coach Dungy would say that they may be Catholics, but they are not Christians. They have both been told by cardinals not to receive communion at a Catholic Mass.


If you do a cost/benefit analysis for the new restrictio­ns from Harrisburg on gatherings at bars and restaurant­s, you really have to weigh the value of our hospital system vs. the value of a local bistro. If our health system, which has been strained to the breaking point, collapses, then hundreds, maybe thousands of lives will be lost. The threat is real and the hospitals are not crying “Wolf!” I love my local restaurant­s and some of them have already closed, which is tragic. However, the state needed to lay on restrictio­ns because a significan­t part of the public refused to control themselves. Christmas is not being taken away; the hospitals are being saved.



My name is Carol and I live in Ridley Park and why I’m calling is, I am asking everyone to keep your Christmas lights on until the end of January to say thank you to the first responders. Okay. Thank you so much, and I think this will work.


During these troubled times try to remember the love of family and friends, the devotion of pets, and all the things that make life worthwhile.

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