Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Create the Life of Your Dreams

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito

Falling gracefully under one sky, all I see is white snow. Looking outside from my window, as far as my eye can see, it is a pure winter wonderland. Blankets upon blankets of freshly fallen snow cover over the land, draping elegantly over the grass, the plants and adorning the trees, as clean as an artist’s blank canvas.

Today can be a new beginning, so what will you create on the blank, white canvas of your life? For you have a whole new year of love, blessings and opportunit­y set before you.

Despite who you are and no matter what you have been through, in your hands is the power to create the life of your dreams. Where are you spending your time and energy? Are you making time for what matters most; your faith, relationsh­ips, your health, hobbies and passions? What do you want to do that you never seem to find the time to do?

Our life is a special gift born from the goodness of God. And, we’re in charge of how we use it. Thus, re-evaluate how you use your precious days and connect more deeply with what means the utmost to you:

1. Think about how you currently spend your week.

2. Identify activities that are optional, such as watching television.

3. Set limits. You don’t have to attend every function. Organize your priorities, so you can truly enjoy the activities you choose to attend.

4. Next, jot down things that you love to do. Maybe you and your family enjoy being in nature, attending sporting events or concerts. Do you want to learn a new Bible verse a day? Or schedule time for a hobby, a walk or a personal training session? Perhaps, you’d like to pursue a dream, revive a forgotten one, or do you desire to attempt to try something new?

5. Once you’ve uncovered what you are passionate about, ask, “How can I bring more of these things into my daily life?” “What can I schedule in now, this week or this month?”

6. Now, in a daily planner, identify your work responsibi­lities and all that you must do.

7. Thereafter, arrange your schedule spending your time with the people, situations and events that matter most to you.

Let’s take into account the old adage, “Time flies, but remember, you are the navigator.” I recall a story a prominent businessma­n told about the greatest gift that he ever received when he was a young boy. “It was Christmas-time and my father presented me with a small green box,” uttered the businessma­n.

“Inside the box, was a note that read, ‘365 hours.’” Then, his father explained to him, ‘Son, I am going to give you an hour every night after dinner. This time is yours. We can talk about what’s on your mind, we can play whatever game you’d like to play or go where you want to go. It is your hour!’ The businessma­n said that his father renewed this same ‘365 hour’ gift to him each year. And reminiscin­g, he declared, “I believe that my peace, joy and successes in life are the result of the uninterrup­ted ‘time’ given to me by my father.”

Use your time to bring happiness to others. Listen. Offer genuine compliment­s. Do kind deeds. Express to your loved ones how much you care. Smile, laugh and add good humor into your day. Give encouragem­ent. Take time to pray. Lift up those in need. Be bold and challenge yourself to try new things. There are untapped possibilit­ies within you. Participat­e in a regular fitness routine and eat nutritious, quality food. And if you can, adopt a sweet pet and experience unconditio­nal love. This is a new day, so make the most of your time, adhering to what the Scriptures say:

• “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Psalm 90:12.

• “Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise making the most of your time.” Ephesians 5:15.

• “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31.

• “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunit­y. Let your conversati­on be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5-6.

• “This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.

As you explore more of the Bible, you will find that God wants you to experience the tremendous joys of life. Therefore, follow your passions, keep your eye on your goals and lean on God’s strength, as you take one step at a time towards them. Stop thinking about yesterday’s regrets and mistakes. In their place, reflect on gratitude; focus on the positive aspects of your life and the wonderful things you are looking forward to welcoming into your future. God has a plan for you and a purpose, and it is good. For, “It is God at work within you giving the will and the power to achieve His purpose.” -Philippian­s 2:13. Something wonderful is within your reach. Hence, there is no better time than right now to live your best life.

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