Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Donald Trump epitomized the American Dream

- Susan Masters, Glen Riddle

To the Times:

Stephanie Engstrand wrote a guest column for the Daily Times to which I feel compelled to respond in part. I felt a glimmer of hope when then-candidate Donald Trump and Melania came down the escalator. I said to myself, “Finally a candidate who is not a career politician!” I knew very little about Donald Trump, but as the campaign unfolded and the debates were going full tilt, I knew he had strong leadership qualities.

Unfortunat­ely, after he won the election, the Democrats boycotted his inaugurati­on and I knew that there would be no hope for unity in the ensuing four years of the Trump term and I was right.

During the Trump administra­tion I felt that our country was safe from foreign interventi­ons, both economic and nuclear. His policies aligned with my conservati­ve philosophy of living the American dream. President Trump supported the Keystone Pipeline which gave good jobs to thousands of American workers. He knew that the economy was the heartbeat of America. We enjoyed record low unemployme­nt prior to the pandemic. His motto was “America First” which this Democratic administra­tion is clearly not doing with their socialist agenda. ‘

Halting the constructi­on of the southern border wall is disastrous to our country. Supporting thousands of immigrants (probably some with COVID-19) at our taxpayers’ expense is disastrous. They will take jobs that should go to Americans, the schools will be compromise­d educationa­lly and fiscally, and free health care along with many other free benefits will be funded by our hardworkin­g American citizens. What are the Democrats thinking?

President Trump’s efforts in tackling the coronaviru­s is extraordin­ary. The Biden administra­tion should not take any credit for “Operation Warp Speed,” which could not have happened without a strong president who was able to get the vaccine developmen­t rolling in a unpreceden­ted short amount of time. President Trump is unfairly blamed for the slow distributi­on of the vaccine but it is not better under the Biden administra­tion. Clearly, it is a monumental task to distribute the vaccine to 330,000,000 people. The vaccine distributi­on effort has never been done before at this magnitude and there is no precedent model for it.

Trump put ships in the west coast and east coast harbors but the Democratic governors did not want to use them for fear it would elevate Trump’s success record . Now look at what has happened to “Dr.” Cuomo — his pompous approach to the virus has come back to bite him. That ship in the New York harbor probably would have saved lives — instead people went to nursing homes where they died.

I wake up each morning with a heavy heart, knowing that at any moment another conservati­ve voice or platform will be silenced. So many readers of the Daily Times have expressed the view that the Republican­s are the party of the rich. That is simply not true! The Republican­s are the party of the working class. Just look at who funded the Biden campaign: Big tech companies, the Hollywood elite, billionair­es such as George Soros, all of which are Democrats! Who funded the

Trump campaign? It was the working class who sent $%, $10, and $25, to the Trump campaign — not millions of dollars.

The only glimmer of hope that I have for this country now is that I see the Democrats imploding before my very eyes. Even the Democrats are seeing the hypocrisy of their ways. I especially detest the double standard that they inflict on people with views not in alignment with their own. That is simply not how a democracy should work. Oh, wait — they want a socialist society, not a democracy. I forgot.

One more point about the Biden administra­tion — his cabinet and other appointees remind me of a mediocre box of assorted chocolates — lots of diversity and no substance. Whatever happened to hiring the best-qualified individual­s and not just appealing to the various identities? Ms. Engstrand wrote in her piece that “the United States went from being a super power to being a laughingst­ock among the world stage.” I don’t think so. President Trump was not somebody who flip flops. He said what he meant and he meant what he said, and the world leaders knew where they stood. Biden and the Democrats are not working on anything except for trying to wipe out the Trump agenda and it will be with them for the next four years. The radical ideas of the left simply will not work for mainstream America. Now who is the laughingst­ock? Biden’s radical executive orders must stop now before the country as we know it is destroyed.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A woman takes a photo with a golden Donald Trump statue at the Conservati­ve Political Action (CPAC) conference on Friday in Orlando, Fla.
ASSOCIATED PRESS A woman takes a photo with a golden Donald Trump statue at the Conservati­ve Political Action (CPAC) conference on Friday in Orlando, Fla.

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