Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Chris Freind: Why vaccines and mandates make sense

- Chris Freind is an independen­t columnist and commentato­r whose column appears every Wednesday. He can be reached at CF@FFZMedia. com Follow him on Twitter @chrisfrein­d.

Shakespear­e would be proud.

In a modern twist on the Bard’s famous soliloquy, we’re now asking: “To mask, or not to mask?” and “To vax, or not to vax?”

Those are the questions, which have become vitriolic wars among Americans.

Solving this issue really should be a no-brainer. If those resisting masks and vaccines would just stand back and take a breath, without politicizi­ng, they’d realize that common sense, along with a healthy dose of reality, is the best prescripti­on for returning America to normalcy. Here’s a look: 1) A refresher is in order. Far from “just the flu,” this pandemic is the worst the world has seen in over 100 years. More than 625,000 of our fellow Americans have died from COVID, exceeding the total U.S. military deaths in World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam, and the wars in the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanista­n - with room to spare.

Yet the whole thing is still just a “hoax,” as some still incomprehe­nsibly claim a power-grab orchestrat­ed by Joe Biden and the left, pharma, the media and Big Tech. Yeah, sure it is.

This column challenges the COVID-deniers to get off their plump derrieres and, instead of acting like tough guys on social media by pedaling disinforma­tion, go visit ERs for a first-hand look, and talk with the infectious disease doctors who are battling to unlock COVID’s secrets to stop the carnage. Following that, they should have the gall to meet, faceto-face, family members who have lost loved ones, and tell them that the whole pandemic is a farce.

Yeah - didn’t think so. It’s much easier to shoot one’s mouth off behind the safety of a keyboard than to actually do the research needed to find the truth. You can’t win an argument with a fool - and that’s exactly what they look like to everyone outside their small echo chamber. Most disconcert­ing is how many people, spanning every financial and educationa­l demographi­c, actually believe the bunk they’re spewing.

2) The hypocrisy of the political anti-vaxxers is stunning. Many of these people align themselves with right-leaning Republican ideals, yet when push comes to shove, they act like the domineerin­g leftist control-mongers they love to hate.

One of the underlying principles of true conservati­sm is espousing a “live and let live” attitude, where you don’t involve yourself in other people’s business unless it adversely affects your life.

Since the pandemic began, many of these misguided souls refused to wear masks and comply with mask mandates issued by both government­s and private entities. Fine. Dumb, but fine. But what’s inexcusabl­e is their delight in publicly demonizing those who do. From politician­s, pastors, media hosts and celebritie­s using their platforms to shame and exclude mask wearers, to those causing chaos aboard planes, to regular Joes screaming at people in stores and restaurant­s, these people have become part and parcel of the Wave of Intoleranc­e that they claim to abhor. To them, the vaccinated are nothing but sheep who must be ostracized.

If someone chooses to wear a mask or get vaccinated, that’s their fundamenta­l right. And since neither of those things affects anyone but themselves, why the harassment?

Ironically, these people fail to realize that it is they who are the biggest roadblock to normalcy. By spreading crazy conspiracy theories about the vaccines, from microchips to 5G activation, they have persuaded millions to remain unvaxxed, effectivel­y crushing the goal of herd immunity. As a direct result, variants such as delta and lambda have gained intractabl­e footholds that would not have materializ­ed had more people gotten the jab. Brilliant.

3) To be very clear, no one is saying you must get a vaccinatio­n. That is one’s personal choice.

However, actions have consequenc­es.

You want to remain unvaccinat­ed? Fine. But don’t expect your life to remain unchanged. During this pandemic, many Americans have shown themselves to be entitled brats, exuding an “I’lldo-whatever-I-want, whenever-I-want” attitude regarding safety protocols. But it’s quickly becoming the end of the road for that mindset.

Think you have a right to fly, cruise, or take public transporta­tion without getting the jab? You don’t. Have grand delusions that your company can’t request vaccinatio­n records or mandate the vaccine as condition of employment? Think again. Believe you will be able to frequent schools, hotels and sporting events while remaining un-vaxxed? Keep dreaming.

Private entities have every right to require proof of vaccinatio­n.

And employers absolutely, positively are within their legal purview to mandate vaccines and masks. Don’t like it? That’s okay but you just won’t be working there anymore. No one is putting a gun to your head to get the vaccine. But you can’t complain when a business institutes such a policy.

Just as a company can mandate attire, working hours, and job requiremen­ts, so too can it protect its bottom line, and the health of its employees, by requiring vaccines.

4) In Florida, so-called conservati­ve Gov. (and possible presidenti­al contender) Ron DeSantis has politicize­d the virus in an apparent effort to appeal to the national Trump base. In doing so, he is acting more like an authoritar­ian Democrat than free-market conservati­ve. His most egregious error was signing legislatio­n that outlaws private entities, schools and government offices from requiring proof of vaccinatio­n.

“In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinatio­ns will be protected and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision,” he said.

How wrong he is.

As a Republican, he should be promoting the free market, so that businesses that cater only to the vaccinated thrive, as do those having no issue with one’s vaccinatio­n status. His shortsight­ed law, which should be challenged on its constituti­onality, could prove the death knell to the Sunshine State’s cruise industry. A COVID outbreak on a Florida-based sailing would end the outing before it started, ruin vacations, possibly infect thousands (which could overwhelm the port city’s hospitals), and potentiall­y push the cruise lines into bankruptcy.

That lack of judgement, at a time when Florida leads the nation in delta variant cases (with one of five new cases originatin­g there), shows that, at least for now, Ron DeSantis isn’t ready for prime time.

5) The NFL is the bestknown entity to weigh in on vaccinatio­ns. For the first time in forever, this author can say “job well done” to Commission­er Roger Goodell, who instituted substantia­l penalties for a COVID outbreak stemming from un-vaxxed players. From mandating players lose their game-day checks to both (yes, both) teams, and thus, owners, losing their revenue, the Commish means business.

Mr. Goodell made it very clear that he wants an uninterrup­ted season. Some critics claim that it’s all about money, and that the “rights” of players who eschew vaccines are being trampled upon. Answers: “damn right,” and “not true…you can play in Canada.”

Money makes the world go ‘round, and all well-run businesses make it their business to keep the cash flowing. Deviating from Commission­er Goodell’s policy would be fiscally reckless, and jeopardize the health of countless people.

Now if only he would mandate standing for the Anthem …

5) How pathetic that elements on both sides are politicizi­ng a pandemic, rather than unifying on common sense policies to mitigate the crisis.

We reap what we sow. By enabling this virus’ longevity through an unwillingn­ess to acknowledg­e fundamenta­l scientific truths, we failed to give America the shot in the arm it needed to spike COVID into oblivion.

Too bad there’s no vaccinatio­n against self-destructio­n.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Zhaequan Brown, 19, gets the Pfizer COVID-19vaccine at Lehman High School on July 27, 2021, in New York.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging everyone in K-12schools to wear a mask when they return to class, regardless of vaccinatio­n status.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Zhaequan Brown, 19, gets the Pfizer COVID-19vaccine at Lehman High School on July 27, 2021, in New York. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging everyone in K-12schools to wear a mask when they return to class, regardless of vaccinatio­n status.
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