Daily Times (Primos, PA)

SEPTA train attack should never have happened

- Chris Freind is a columnist and commentato­r whose column appears every Wednesday. He can be reached at CF@FFZMedia.com Follow him on Twitter @chrisfrein­d.

To intervene, or not intervene. That’s the question of the day, but it’s the wrong one.

At issue is the now-global story that, while an alleged rape was occurring on SEPTA’s MarketFran­kford El train in Philadelph­ia, numerous bystanders chose not to get involved. Whether or not that turns out to be the case — as there are significan­tly different viewpoints in how police and the District Attorney interprets what transpired on video — is, ultimately, irrelevant.

Far and away, three aspects to this case are of paramount importance:

Indisputab­ly, the alleged crime should never, repeat never, have occurred, since the accused — an illegal immigrant with a criminal record — was reportedly permitted to stay in America by the U.S. government. 2) How did the immigratio­n system allow that situation to occur?

3) What will be done to prevent a repeat of this nightmare?

Once again, it takes a tragedy to shine light on problems that should have already been solved. According to press reports, the alleged attacker was a foreign national from the Congo, whose student visa expired six years ago, and who owned a considerab­le rap sheet. Fox News, along with TV host Tucker Carlson, reported:

“Court records show that he racked up ‘multiple arrests and two misdemeano­r conviction­s, one for controlled substances and one for sexual abuse.’ (He) pled guilty in 2017 in Washington D.C. to the sexual abuse misdemeano­r and was sentenced to 120 days in prison and nine months’ probation.”

Fox continued: “He was put in immigratio­n detention in Jan. 2018. However, he was never deported because he received a ‘withholdin­g of removal’ from an immigratio­n judge in March 2019 after the Board of Immigratio­n Appeals found that his misdemeano­r sex offense was not a ‘serious crime’ that would have made him ineligible for such a stay.”

He was also arrested locally in 2020 and 2021.

Let’s get this straight: assuming Fox’ reporting is accurate, a foreign national entered the U.S. legally, but overstayed his welcome after his student visa expired. He proceeded to rack up numerous conviction­s — including drug and sex offenses — yet, incomprehe­nsibly, was allowed to remain in America by an immigratio­n judge.

Planet Earth to the government: have we met? How could those actions possibly have occurred? It is (or at least, it should be) absolutely irrelevant whether an illegal immigrant’s crime is “serious.” If that person has a conviction, and is already breaking the law by being in America illegally, he should be immediatel­y deported after serving his time. That’s neither xenophobic nor racist, but simple commonsens­e.

The following is part of the mission statement of the Philadelph­ia Department of Prisons:

“To provide a secure correction­al environmen­t to detain people accused or convicted of illegal acts…and to prepare incarcerat­ed people for re-entry (into society) after their release.”

But which society? Given the staggering number of illegal immigrants in our prisons, both in Philadelph­ia and nationwide, that’s an important question.

Common sense dictates that after an illegal immigrant serves his sentence, he should be repatriate­d to his home country, but very often, that’s not what occurs. Fact is, many prisoners released into American society are foreigners who A) are in this country illegally, and B) are violent offenders. Unfathomab­ly, this isn’t a loophole, but standard operating procedure of the federal government.

Try following this “logic:” an illegal alien is convicted of a crime,

does his time, and is handed over to the ICE (Immigratio­ns and Customs Enforcemen­t). But instead of being deported, the illegal immigrant (key word being “illegal”) is released. Why? Because many countries don’t want their convicts repatriate­d, so they deny or delay the process of deportatio­n. Consequent­ly, far too many are set free on America’s streets.

Likewise, countless illegal immigrants who, after being caught attempting to cross the border, are set loose into American communitie­s with the laughable order to appear in immigratio­n court at some date far in the future.

This has created a firestorm as thousands of Americans have been victimized — some paying the ultimate price — at the hands of known criminals. These offenders should have been unceremoni­ously shown the door, but weren’t — a tragic example of government neglecting its primary responsibi­lity of protecting its citizens. Several points to consider: 1) Why does America allow other nations to dictate what it can and can’t do with those here illegally? It’s the hen emasculati­ng

the submissive fox, and it should be a humiliatio­n to all Americans, regardless of their positions on broader immigratio­n issues.

Note: This column has always been pro-immigratio­n, provided that it is legally obtained. Laudably, America continues to be the most generous nation on Earth in that regard, granting legal status upon over one million new immigrants per year. But somehow, that benevolenc­e always seems to be forgotten.

2) Undocument­ed criminal aliens are often re-arrested at high multiples. Since some of those crimes include robbery, assault, rape, murder, drugs, DUI, etc., has it dawned on our leaders that their inaction places every American in grave danger? Bottom line: when Americans are left wondering whose interest the government prioritize­s — citizens or illegals — the system is truly broken.

3) Most ironic, the government would seem to be committing a crime every time it releases an illegal alien onto the streets or grants government assistance, such as issuing a driver’s license, since those acts amount to aiding and abetting criminals.

Yet government agencies, from Department of Homeland Security to ICE, confirm that hundreds of thousands of deportable criminals have been, and will continue to be, released rather than deported at the end of their sentences. Add to that the activist federal judges legislatin­g from the bench, and you have a perfect storm for immigratio­n chaos.

Given the massive cost to house these people in prison, courtesy of the forgotten taxpayer, those with minor offenses should have their sentences commuted and be immediatel­y deported. The same should apply to the serious offenders at the full conclusion of their term.

4) If countries do not cooperate, as is the case with many nations, the solution is simple. It’s called playing hardball, with the following message:

“America will return your citizens, with military escort, if need be, and you will ensure that they don’t return to the United States. Ever. We’re not asking permission, but telling you exactly what will happen. The first sign of noncoopera­tion will result in the immediate terminatio­n of foreign aid, as well as the cessation of American visas to the citizens of your country. Regardless, we’re still dropping off your convicts, so choose wisely.”

There. Years of ineptitude solved in ten seconds.

Yet for decades, congressio­nal bills denying foreign aid and suspending visa issuances to countries that delay or refuse repatriati­on have gone nowhere — simply par for the course on all-thingsimmi­gration.

Partisans who solely blame “the other side” for this lack of basic immigratio­n reform need to look in the mirror, because both parties are equally at fault. The Republican­s controlled the whole shebang from 2000-06 and 201618, and the Dems wielded total power from 1992-94, and 200810. Yet no progress was made,

even on something as basic as deporting criminals.

5) In addition to making the streets safer by deporting violent illegal immigrants, we would make a significan­t dent in reducing prison overcrowdi­ng, producing a two-fold benefit:

A) More criminals would remain in prison for their entire sentence. Currently, too many are seeing their sentences reduced or suspended altogether because there is simply not enough capacity, placing our law-abiding citizens in jeopardy yet again.

B) There will be a huge savings to taxpayers. Given the astronomic­al costs of housing inmates, it doesn’t take a math whiz to

see how much will be saved — funds that can be better-utilized elsewhere.

It’s time for America to take care of itself first, placing its citizens ahead of illegal immigrants. Our economic future, physical security, and continued respect for the rule of law depend on it. If we could set aside the inflammato­ry rhetoric which renders both sides incapable of rational discussion, perhaps we could achieve commonsens­e reform that might just be the steppingst­one for comprehens­ive, and compassion­ate, solutions to America’s other immigratio­n challenges.

And that would be a huge step in keeping the train on the tracks.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? In this 2009photo, A SEPTA transit map is shown outside the Pattison subway station near the Wachovia Spectrum, left, and the Wachovia center, right in Philadelph­ia.
ASSOCIATED PRESS In this 2009photo, A SEPTA transit map is shown outside the Pattison subway station near the Wachovia Spectrum, left, and the Wachovia center, right in Philadelph­ia.
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