Dayton Daily News

Trump blesses Romney after a puzzling day

Guessing game is lead-in to Trump’s Vegas cliff-hanger.


LAS VEGAS — With his trademark flair for spectacle, Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president Thursday on the famed Las Vegas strip — just hours after Newt Gingrich’s advisers were spreading the word that The Donald would be anointing him instead.

Romney said he was glad for the support, but seemed bemused to be caught up in the Trump drama.

“There are some things you just can’t imagine happening. This is one of them,” Romney said with a smile, looking out at the reporters and cameras jammed into the lobby of the hotel complex that bears Trump’s name.

The real estate mogul had entered to applause, with Romney and his wife, Ann, at his side

“Mitt is tough, he’s smart, he’s sharp and he’s not going to allow bad things to continue to happen to this country we all love,” Trump said. He vigorously shook Romney’s hand and said, “Go out and get ’em. You can do it.”

Former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvan­ia countered with an endorsemen­t of his own, that of former Nevada state Assemblywo­man Sharron Angle, a favorite of the Tea Party, but a pariah to many Republican­s after her 2010 loss to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-nev.

Trump, a multimilli­onaire and host of a reality show where he famously proclaims “You’re fired,” said he wasn’t worried that his endorsemen­t would hurt Romney, another wealthy businessma­n whose opponents have criticized as outof touch.

“I really think he does connect, and he’s starting to connect really well,” Trump said.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president during a news conference in Las Vegas.
Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president during a news conference in Las Vegas.

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