Dayton Daily News

Retail sales mixed in January

Consumers continue to be cautious about when and where they spend.

- By Anne D’innocenzio

NEW YORK — Americans were shopping in January, but not every store was feeling the love.

Retailers reported mixed sales results for the month in a sign that U.S. consumers continue to be cautious about when and where they spend their money in the shaky economy

Overall, merchants on Thursday reported a 4.8 percent increase for January, according to the Internatio­nal Council of Shopping Center’s tally of 20 retailers. That’s above the 3 percent gain that ICSC had expected.

But the results were divided. Retailers like Target that sell basic household goods did well, as did chains like Saks that cater to wealthier shoppers. Meanwhile, Macy’s and other stores that sell mid-price clothing posted disappoint­ing results.

“The take away is that the underlying demand is still there, but business continues to be uneven,” said Michael P. Niemira, ICSC’S chief economist. “It was definitely a divided picture.”

The results provide a glimpse into the psyche of the American consumer. January typically is the time when stores offer deep discounts on winter stuff so they can clear it out to make room for spring merchandis­e. This past January, the average consumer continued to focus more on buying what they need, while unseasonab­ly warm weather made markdowns on puffy coats and furry boots at mid-priced chains unappealin­g.

Industry watchers look closely at retailers’ monthly sales numbers, but only a small number of retailers report those figures. Home Depot, Best Buy and even Wal-mart, the world’s largest retailer, don’t report monthly revenue. A fuller picture of January spending will come in a government retail sales report that will be released Feb. 14.

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