Dayton Daily News

Survivor: Deadly Washington avalanche a ‘horror story’

Skiers’ experience and safety devices didn’t offset risk, experts say.

- By Phuong Le

SEATTLE — When the snow broke loose, a group of expert skiers who watched in horror as a large avalanche swept their friends down a steep slope in Washington state immediatel­y turned on their emergency beacons and began searching for signs of life.

Powder Magazine senior editor John Stifter, who witnessed the slide that killed three of his skiing companions Sunday, said one person survived by bear-hugging a tree and holding on as the snow barreled over him. Another skier who was caught in the slide was saved when she deployed an air bag designed to keep her afloat.

“It’s an absolute horror story,” Stifter said Monday.

Experts say once an avalanche has you in its grips, the chances of surviving are slim.

“The snow doesn’t really care how experience­d you are. It’s not keeping track of experience level,” said Mark Moore, an avalanche meteorolog­ist and director of the Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center, which warned of extreme avalanche danger last Tuesday. “Once you’re in an avalanche, it has you at its mercy,” he added.

Stifter identified the victims as Jim Jack, a well-known head judge for the Freeskiing World Tour; Stevens Pass marketing director Chris Rudolph; and Johnny Brenan, a Leavenwort­h contractor.

The Freeskiing World Tour and Utah’s Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort scheduled a gathering at the resort Monday afternoon to remember Jack, whom Stifter described as a generous, smart and influentia­l member of the ski industry.

The skiers were equipped with safety devices and kept track of each other as they strayed beyond the boundaries of the popular Stevens Pass Ski resort, about 90 miles northeast of Seattle. But the precaution­s still didn’t save some from getting trapped, highlighti­ng the risks of backcountr­y activity during a season of heightened avalanche dangers in the West.

Sunday’s avalanche was relatively large, Moore said. The Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center rated Sunday’s avalanche danger as considerab­le to high. Heavy snow had fallen in the Cascades on Saturday with widespread avalanches and strong winds, all red flags, Moore said. “It’s very sad to have accidents like this happen. No matter how good the snow is, you still have to be objective about risk,” he added.

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