Dayton Daily News

Al-qaida departs Iraq, fights in Syria

Iraqi officials note a 50% drop in violence since Syrian conflict.

- By Sahar Issa

BAGHDAD — The departure of al-qaida-affiliated fighters from Iraq to join the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar Assad in Syria has had one benefit, Iraqi officials say: Violence has dropped in this country, in some areas by as much as 50 percent in just a few months.

Iraqi officials declined to provide precise figures for the dropoff or to estimate how many alQaida-affiliated fighters have left the country for Syria. But the impact of the departure, they said, has been especially apparent in Ninewah province, which borders Syria and has long been the scene of some of al-qaida’s most violent bombings and assassinat­ions.

The province’s capital, Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, was once home to as many as 800 alQaida-affiliated fighters, U.S. officials estimated last summer. But one provincial security officer said al-qaida attacks in Mosul have become infrequent this year, and the attacks that do occur generally are small or are detected before they can be carried out. The officer spoke only on the condition of anonymity because regulation­s prohibit him from talking to reporters.

“Violence is down in Mosul, maybe one or two operations per day, sometimes none,” the officer said Monday. “Today, members of (al-qaida in Iraq) attempted to booby-trap a house, but they were discovered and the operation failed. Yesterday, two IEDS” — improvised explosive devices — “were planted and both were discovered, and they failed again. The day before that there were no operations at all.”

As for the rest of the province, “I can say that violence is down more than 50 percent since autumn of 2011, and much more than that if compared with an earlier date, like autumn of 2010,” the officer said.

Last Thursday, James R. Clapper, the Obama administra­tion’s director of national intelligen­ce, told Congress that the United States thought al-qaida-affiliated fighters were responsibl­e for the most spectacula­r rebel attacks on Syrian military forces recently.

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