Dayton Daily News

Spacex Dragon returns, ending historic trip

Unmanned supply ship represents the future of U.S. space travel.

- Bymarcia Dunn

Triumphant CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA. — from start to finish, the SpaceX Dragon capsule parachuted into the Pacific on Thursday to conclude the first private delivery to the Internatio­nal Space Station and inaugurate NASA’s new approach to exploratio­n.

“Welcome home, baby,” said SpaceX’s elated chief, Elon Musk, who said the old-fashioned splashdown was “like seeing your kid come home.”

He said he was a bit surprised to hit such a grand slam.

“You can see so many ways that it could fail and it works and you’re like, ‘Wow, OK, it didn’t fail,’ ” Musk said, laughing, from his company’s headquarte­rs in Hawthorne, Calif. “I think anyone who’s been involved in the design of a really complicate­d machine can sympathize with what I’m saying.”

The goal for SpaceX, he said, will be to repeat the success on future flights.

The unmanned supply ship scored a bull’s-eye with its arrival, splashing down into the ocean about 500 miles off Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. A fleet of recovery ships quickly moved in to pull the capsule aboard a barge for towing to Los Angeles.

It was the first time since the shuttles stopped flying last summer that NASA got back a big load from the space station, in this case more than half a ton of experiment­s and equipment.

Thursday’s dramatic arrival of the world’s first commercial cargo carrier capped a nineday test flight that was virtually flawless, beginning with the May 22 launch aboard the SpaceX company’s Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral and continuing through the space station docking three days later and the departure a scant six hours before hitting the water.

The returning bell-shaped Dragon resembled NASA’s Mercury, Gemini and Apollo spacecraft of the 1960s and 1970s as its three red-and-white striped parachutes opened. Yet it represents the future for American space travel now that the shuttles are gone.

“This successful splashdown and the many other achievemen­ts of this mission herald a new era in U.S. commercial spacefligh­t,” NASA Administra­tor Charles Bolden said .

ASSOCIATED ?? The Dragon spacecraft floats in the Pacific Ocean about 500 miles off Mexico’s Baja California peninsula on Thursday after its mission to the space station.
PRESS PHOTO ASSOCIATED The Dragon spacecraft floats in the Pacific Ocean about 500 miles off Mexico’s Baja California peninsula on Thursday after its mission to the space station.

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