Dayton Daily News

San Diego girl wins spelling bee

Snigdha Nandipati, 14, is fifth Indian-american winner in a row.

- By Ben Nuckols


Snigdha Nandipati is the National Spelling Bee champion.

The 14-year-old from San Diego spelled guetapens, a French-derived word that means ambush, snare or trap. Calm and collected, she beat out eight other finalists in the brain-busting competitio­n.

Nandipati is an avid reader, violinist and coin collector who plans to become a psychiatri­st or neurosurge­on.

She’s also the fifth consecutiv­e Indian-American winner and 10th in the last 14 years.

Stuti Mishra, of West Melbourne, Fla., finished second after misspellin­g “schwarmere­i.”

Out of 278 participan­ts who gathered at a convention center outside Washington, nine made it to the finals Thursday.

Nandipati was first up and correctly spelled “psammon,” which means an ecological community.

Hours earlier, Lena Greenberg, a home-schooled 14-yearold from Philadelph­ia, became the last to make the finals when she spelled “cholecysti­tis” — an inflammati­on of the gallbladde­r.

Meanwhile, 41 semifinali­sts heard the dreaded bell that signals an incorrect spelling. Those included one of the favorites, Vanya Shivashank­ar, 10, of Olathe, Kan. The younger sister of the 2009 champion got the only perfect score in the preliminar­y rounds.

Shivashank­ar was flummoxed by “pejerrey,” a small fish. She went with “perjere.”

For winning the 85th Scripps National Spelling Bee, Nandipati receives $30,000 in cash, a trophy, a $2,500 savings bond, a $5,000 scholarshi­p and $2,600 in reference works from the Encycloped­ia Britannica.

ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTO BY ?? Snigdha Nandipati, 14, of San Diego (right) is embraced by her brother Sujan Nandipati, 10, after she won the National Spelling Bee with the word “guetapens” on Thursday in Oxon Hill, Md.
JACQUELYN MARTIN ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTO BY Snigdha Nandipati, 14, of San Diego (right) is embraced by her brother Sujan Nandipati, 10, after she won the National Spelling Bee with the word “guetapens” on Thursday in Oxon Hill, Md.

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