Dayton Daily News

Baking soda works wonders in hair


Hair products such as shampoo and hair spray that we use regularly can cause buildup and alter the texture of the hair, but a pinch of one of my favorite household helpers, baking soda, can help! Mix in your palm with any regular shampoo, and wash and rinse as usual. Do this just once a week, and you can help remove the shampoo and hair-spray residue. This is just another reason to love baking soda — it does so many things! To learn more hints about baking soda, order my Baking Soda Hints and Recipes pamphlet by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (65 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 782795001. Want a cheap and effective toothpaste? Look no further than that box of baking soda. Sprinkle a bit on your toothbrush and gently buff away!

Underbed storage

Dear Readers: Does this sound familiar? You have an old dresser cluttering up the spare bedroom or attic, and you need extra storage.

Pull the drawers, add a caster to each corner of the drawer and roll it under your bed! Add big knobs to pull the drawer out. Perfect for storing sweaters and other out-of-season clothes,

shoes, etc.!

Extra! Extra!

Dear Heloise: Don’t toss the laundry-detergent bottle when it no longer pours. Carefully remove the spout with pliers, and you’ll usually find enough detergent for another load of clothes! Also works with dishwasher detergent.

Dear Dolores: You also can add some water to the bottle, slosh it around and pour into the washer while it is filling up!

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