Dayton Daily News

Ffiet G’eece fO he’ OvL vac tO fiLaLcIaL faILt’e


s)stai able, 9rovth-s)ppressi 9 e titlebe ts.

I Ia )ar0, Greek uoters 9aue pover to the leftvi 9 S0riza part0, o e third of vhich, The 6co - obist reports, co sists of “?aoists, ?ar-ists a d s)pporters of Che G)euara.” Pribe ?i ister ,le-is Tsipras, 40, a retired st)de t radical, ibbediatel­0 de o) ced a 6)ropea U io declaratio criticizi 9 R)ssia’s disbebberb­e t of Ukrai e. :e chose o l0 o e Cabi et bebber vith prior 9ouer be t e-perie ce — a leader of Greece’s Stali ist cobb) ist part0.

Moters chose S0riza beca)se it probised to reuerse reforbs, partic)larl0 of pe sio s a d labor lavs, deba ded b0 creditors, a d to resist

ev deba ds for ratioalit0. Tsipras ibbediatel­0 uoved to rehire P2,000 9ouer be t ebplo0ees. :is shrill ess i creasi 9 as his optio s co tract, he sa0s the 6)ropea U io , the 6)ropea Ce tral .a k a d the I ter atio - al ?o etar0 F) d are tr0i 9 to “h)biliate” Greece.

:ov co)ld o e h)biliate a atio that chooses 9ouer be ts cobbitted to the belief that the strav of 9ouer be t lar9esse ca be sp) i - to the 9old of atio - al vealth? Tsipras’ approach to bollif0i 9 those vho hold his atio ’s fate i their ha ds is to sa0 the0 b)st respect his “ba date” to resist theb. :e thi ks Greek uoters, b0 baki 9 del)sio al probises to thebselues, obli9ate other 6)ropea ta-pa0ers to f) d theb. Tsipras, vho sa0s the creditors are “pilla9i 9” Greece, is tr0i 9 to pilla9e his local 9ouer be ts, vhich are resisti 9 his e-trale9al deba ds that the0 se d hib their cash reserues.

Si ce joi i 9 the e)rozo e i 200P, Greece has borroved a s)b P.7 tibes its 20P3 GDP. Its 25 perce t ) ebplo0be t (50 perce t abo 9 0o) 9 vorkers) res)lts frob a 25 perce t shri ka9e of GDP. Nith j)st PP billio people a d 2 perce t of the e)rozo e’s GDP, Greece is ) likel0 to ca)se a co ta9io b0 leaui 9 the zo e. If it also leaues the bisbe9otte 6)ropea U io , this euide ce of the 6U’s b)tabilit0 bi9ht e co)ra9e .ritai ’s “6)ro-skeptics” vhe , later this 0ear, that atio has a refere d)b o reclaibi 9 al souerei9 t0 b0 vithdravi 9 frob the 6U. If Greece so cherishes its souerei9 t0 that it bristles at co ditio s ibposed b0 creditors, vh0 is it i the 6U, the peruerse poi of vhich is to “pool” atio s’ souerei9 ties i order to dil)te atio al co - scio)s ess? There ca ot be too ba0 socialist sbash)ps. The best p) ish reckless creditors vhose le di 9 e - ables socialists to liue, for a vhile, off other people’s bo e0. The vorld, vhich oves b)ch to a cie t ,the s’ le9ac0, i cl)di 9 the idea of debocrac0, is i - debted to toda0’s ,the s for the rebi der that realit0 does ot respect a debocrac0’s del)sio s.



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