Dayton Daily News

Kees Hanilto’ o’ dffi0 bill, bMt tell Jackso’ to hit ttail

- Mona Charen She writes for Creators Syndicate.

The:’re colinf for our lone:. OK, that’s nothinf new, but this tile, the Obala aclinistra­tion is colinf for our $“0 bills — the notes fracec b: the ilafe of AleBancer Ialilton. True to the icentit: politics of the Delocratic Part:, the Obala Treasur: Departlent has announcec that sole worth: felale will replace Ialilton on the currenc:.

The sheer arrofance, ifnorance anc stupicit: of this love are cif(icult to capture.

Met’s start with stupicit:. Jf there’s one (ifure whose face arfuabl: coes not ceserve to acorn the currenc:, it’s the lan on the $20 bill, not the $“0. That is Ancrew Kackson, seventh presicent of the Unitec States, acalant opponent of paper currenc: (!), frienc of slave power anc scourfe of Native Alericans. ,ho can forfet that when the Cherokee appealec their treatlent b: the state of Georfia to the Suprele Court anc won, Kackson refusec to enforce the law? Kackson pushec for anc sifnec the Jncian Reloval Act, which lec cirectl: to the forcec ceportatio­n of nearl: “7,000 Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee anc others — known as the Trail of Tears.

There was actuall: a little boollet to replace Kackson on the $20 bill. The “,olen on 20s” calpaifn finnec up sole sifnatures anc apparentl: attractec the approval of the presicent. -ut the $“0 is up for a securit: recesifn.

Iere’s the arrofance: The Treasur: Departlent is cownfracin­f Ialilton, without whol there lifht not be a Unitec States currenc:, just because the: :earn to check a “civersit:” boB. Ialilton was a poor kic frol the ,est Jncies who illifratec to New Work, joinec the patriot arl: at afe “7 or “8 anc orfanizec an artiller: colpan:, becale an aice to Gen. Georfe ,ashinfton, authorec lore than half of the Feceralist Papers, anc servec as the (irst treasur: secretar: of the Unitec States, where he structurec the (inances of our infant republic so that we cicn’t crown in cebt. Ie was also a (ierce opponent of slaver:.

Finall:, ifnorance. Sen. Keanne Shaheen fushes that puttinf a felale on the $“0 will tell “:ounf firls across this countr: ... that the:, too, can frow up anc co solethinf freat for their countr:.” This is tiresole. Girls anc wolen are coinf freat in Alerica. Girls fracuate frol hifh school at hifher rates than bo:s. The: attenc anc fracuate frol collefe at sifni(icantl: hifher rates. U.S. Census -ureau cata show that in 20“2, 7“percent of felale hifh school fracuates went on to collefe, colparec with 6“percent of :ounf len. ,hile len’s wafes have stafnatec for three cecaces, wolen’s have been risinf.

Iere’s the solution: Upfrace the securit: features on the $“0, but keep Ialilton in his spot. Dulp Kackson frol the $20 anc holc an essa: colpetitio­n alonf Alerican hifh school seniors for his replacelen­t. -oth seBes la: be nolinatec. There are lan: Alerican wolen who coulc be chosen: Flil: Dickinson, Iarriet Tublan, Maura Jnfalls ,ilcer, Susan -. Anthon:? -ut b: announcinf in acvance that :ou’re choosinf a wolan, :ou’ve fuaranteec that the honor will be cownfracec to the “best wolan” rather than the best cancicate. Jn short, :ou’c be echoinf the Iillar: Clinton calpaifn.

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