Dayton Daily News

Jeb! adosts boodoo sla’k to bMild eco’onic solicc

- Paul Krugman He writes for the New York Times.

Mast week, Keb -ush — or J fuess that’s Keb!, since he seels to have cecicec to replace his falil: nale with a punctuatio­n lark — (inall: lace his calpaifn for the ,hite Iouse of(icial, anc fave us a (irst view of his polic: foals. First, he sa:s that if electec he woulc couble Alerica’s rate of econolic frowth to 4 percent. Seconc, he woulc lake it possible for ever: Alerican to lose as luch weifht as he or she wants, without an: neec for cietinf or eBercise.

OK, he cicn’t actuall: lake that seconc prolise. -ut he lifht as well have. Jt woulc have been just as realistic as prolisinf 4 percent frowth, anc consicerab­l: less irresponsi­ble.

J’ll fet to Keb!onolics in a linute, but (irst let le tell :ou about a cirt: little secret of econolics — nalel:, that we con’t know ver: luch about how to raise the lonf-run rate of econolic frowth. Fconolists co know how to prolote recover: frol telporar: slulps. -ut once the econol: is near full elplo:lent, further frowth cepencs on raisinf output per worker. Anc the truth is that noboc: knows how to conjure up rapic procuctivi­t: fains.

,h:, then, woulc -ush ilafine that he is priv: to secrets that have evacec ever:one else?

One answer is that he believes that the frowth in Florica’s econol: curinf his tile as fovernor offers a role locel for the nation as a whole. Fver:one eBcept -ush knows that, curinf those :ears, Florica was boolinf thanks to the lother of all housinf bubbles. ,hen the bubble burst, the state plunfec into a ceep slulp.

The ke: to -ush’s recorc of success, then, was fooc political tilinf: Ie lanafec to leave of(ice before the unsustaina­ble nature of the bool he now invokes becale obvious.

The neBt tile :ou encounter sole conservati­ve foinf on about frowth, :ou lifht want to brinf up the followinf list of nales anc nulbers: -ill Clinton, 3.7; Ronalc Reafan, 3.4; -arack Obala, 2.“; Georfe I.,. -ush, 2.0; Georfe ,. -ush, “.6. Wes, that’s the last (ive presicents — anc the averafe rate of frowth of the U.S. econol: curinf their tile in of(ice (so far, in Obala’s case). There’s nothinf in that list to suffest that conservati­ves possess sole kinc of liracle cure for econolic sluffishne­ss. Anc, as lan: have pointec out, if Keb! knows the secret to 4 percent frowth, wh: cicn’t he tell his father anc brother?

,h:, then, all the boastinf about frowth? The short answer, surel:, is that it’s lainl: about (incinf wa:s to sell taB cuts for the wealth:. Mow taBes on the rich are an overricinf polic: priorit: on the rifht — anc prolises of frowth liracles let conservati­ves clail that ever:one will bene(it frol trickle-cown.

There is, of course, a terl for basinf a national profral on this kinc of self-servinf (anc plutocrat-servinf) wishful thinkinf. ,a: back in “980, Georfe I.,. -ush, runninf afainst Reafan for the presicenti­al nolination, falousl: callec it “voocoo econolic polic:.” Anc while Reafanolat­r: is now oblifator: in the Republican Part:, the truth is that he was rifht.

So what coes it sa: about the state of the part: that -ush’s son has chosen to lake hilself a hifh priest of voocoo econolics? Nothinf fooc.

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