Dayton Daily News

Jordan explains ‘no’ vote on aid

Delphi retiree tax credit supporter rejects benefit bill.

- ByJack Torry Washington Bureau

R e p.Jim Jordan, R -U rb ana, who supports providing thousands ofDe lphi salary re tire e s in Ohio with a tax c re dit to b uy he alth insuranc e , vote d against a large r worke r assistanc e b ill on June 12 that inc lude d the tax c re dit.

H e wasn’t the only supporte r ofthe tax c re dit to do so.R e p.T im R yan, DNile s, who c o-sponsore d the tax c re dit, also vote d against the large r pac kage that would provide assistanc e and re training mone y to worke rs who c an de monstrate the y lost the ir job s b e c ause ofinte rnational trade .

But while R yan vote d against the assistanc e b ill — known as trade as-

sistanc e authority — b e - c ause he was hoping to sc uttle a c ompanion me asure that would provide Pre side nt Barac k Ob ama with the authority to c omple te a Pac ific -rim trade agre e me nt, Jordan said he is oppose d to the large r worke r assistanc e me asure .

“Ihave no prob le m with the tax c re dit,” Jordan said.But he said he would vote against worke r assistanc e whe n it c ome s b ac k to the floor again b e c ause “the last thing we ne e d is a gove rnme nt-sponsore d b e ne fit program.”

Be c ause ab out 2 2 ,0 0 0 De lphi salarie d worke rs ac ross the c ountry had the ir pe nsions and b e ne - fits c ut whe n the c ompany e me rge d from b ankruptc y in 2 0 0 9, many who are not e ligib le for M e dic are have found it diffic ult to b uy affordab le he alth insuranc e .A b out 6,0 0 0 De lphi re tire e s are from Ohio.

Boehner hires new press secretary

H ouse S pe ake r John Boe hne r, R -W e st Che ste r T wp., has hire d Emily S c hillinge r to b e his ne w pre ss se c re tary for the spe ake r’s offic e .S c hillinge r has b e e n c ommunic ations dire c tor for S e n. John Barrasso, R -W yo.

S c hillinge r worke d in the pre ss offic e offorme r Pre side nt Ge orge W . Bush.

Kasich making stops in Iowa this week

Gov.John Kasic h will b e in Iowa on W e dne sday, making five appe aranc e s in De s M oine s and Counc il Bluffs.Kasic h, who is c onside ring a run for the 2 0 16 R e pub lic an pre side ntial nomination, will b e making his first trip to Iowa, whic h holds the first pre side ntial nominating c onte st of2 0 16.

 ??  ?? U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, said, “the last thing we need is a government-sponsored benefit program.”
U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, said, “the last thing we need is a government-sponsored benefit program.”

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