Dayton Daily News

What was your most embarrassi­ng moment in high school?

- Bethany Hawkins: Shatasha Tolliver: What areas of education fall under“student services?” What’s the biggest challenge of your job?

My most embarrassi­ng moment is when I fell up the steps during a Jefferson varsity basketball game and I spilled nacho cheese all over my hands. I was very embarrasse­d and almost cried and stuff. It was very embarrassi­ng!

My most embarrassi­ng moment was during my tenth grade year in Mrs. Taylor’s Biology class. We had to dress up for profession­al day and I dressed up in these high heels that were too high and fell in front of the entire class! Northmont has a very strong identity and a great deal of pride. I work with people in all capacities of the district as well as family and community members that I find to be talented, hardworkin­g and committed to Northmont. It’s inspiring to be part of a community that works so hard to support education.

Most people associate student services with special education. It also includes coordinati­ng services such as interventi­on for English language learners, preschool, nursing/medical care, mental health/counseling, safety, SROs, residency, truancy, enrollment, social work and any other areas that involve support for students. We are meeting some very complex needs. We want every student to have a memorable experience at Northmont.

What’s your favorite thing about the Northmont community?

The bottom-line outcome of my job is making sure students and families have access to the support and programs they need. Supporting teachers, principals, and staff with informatio­n and resources for them to be successful can be challengin­g. Also, being resourcefu­l in making sure we stay within the budget while meeting the wide range of students’needs.

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