Dayton Daily News

Demystifyi­ng children’s mystifying behaviors

- Dayton Children's Hospital Household Hints

Kids can be a mystifying puzzle to parents. Here are the most common questions I receive about kids’ perplexing behaviors.

1. Why does my child act so entitled?

Parents complain that their kids rarely express gratitude for all they have, and act as if they deserve more. Nothing seems to be good enough.

You’re at fault on this one. You’ve given way too much, and much too easily. You failed to enforce rules about chores. Your kids don’t reach out to help others. You want your kids to feel good and like you rather than do what is right.

2. Why do so many kids attempt to kill themselves?

Every year, 18 percent of high school kids seriously think about suicide, and 8.6 percent make an attempt. Parents feel overwhelme­d trying to understand why any young person would think that death is better than life.

There is no simple or single answer to such a complex problem. Most of these young people lack the perspectiv­e that “all things will pass.” An incident like a breakup with a boyfriend is perceived as traumatic by some teens, causing them to choose death over life.

This question has no easy answer.

3. Why won’t my kids talk to me, but talk with a therapist?

It’s frustratin­g and disappoint­ing when parents are unable to connect with their kids. It’s even more perplexing when these youngsters are communicat­ive and engaging with other adults — coaches, teachers, or mental health profession­als.

This is easy to explain. Other adults aren’t as emotionall­y engaged as you are with your kids, and don’t control rewards and punishment­s.

Mental health therapists have a unique relationsh­ip with your children. Within few limits, they can say anything to us, and we won’t punish them or immediatel­y try to correct their mispercept­ions. Please remember that my goal is not to get your child to talk with me, but rather to help your youngster learn how to engage with you.

4. Why don’t kids tell about sexual abuse?

Despite all of our education and reassuranc­es, most kids who have been sexually molested don’t immediatel­y tell about the incident. The consequenc­es are devastatin­g for the child, as well as other potential victims.

This makes lots of sense, since most of these incidents occur by someone known and trusted by your child. Kids report an array of bewilderin­g feelings when sexual abuse occurs, ranging from guilt, anger, and fear. Most of these kids are incredibly confused by the actions of someone they trust. They may be fearful of getting themselves or even the offender in trouble. Please praise your child for telling, rather than criticizin­g them for not disclosing when it happened.

Dear Heloise:

I have flower boxes around my patio. At the start of spring, I noticed the squirrels were digging in them, uprooting plants and making a mess. What can I do to discourage them?

email — Bethany, via

Buy several cheap, shiny children’s pinwheels and put them in the planters. The spinning and the shine may scare them away. Also, you can sprinkle pepper over flower boxes to help keep squirrels away.

Question: Answer: — Heloise

What popular meat was once thought of as a throwaway portion of beef ? A. tongue B. skirt steak C. stew meat

Skirt steak, which is used to make fajitas. This cheap cut of meat is popular now, but it has been around for a long time in Texas. It is best grilled over mesquite wood. Slice the meat into

Dear Heloise

:Iwas weeding around some of the small cactuses I have outside my home. I got several thorns in my finger and couldn’t get them out. So I spread a thin layer of the glue over my finger. I let it dry and then carefully peeled it off, trying to keep it in one piece. Guess what? The glue removed the thorns.

— Martha from Texas

Glad you got them out.

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