Dayton Daily News

Dear Heloise:

- Household Hints

Some people (my husband is one) start the day with a cold, brisk shower to wake them up and get going.

I like to wind down with a hot shower or warm bubble bath at the end of the day. It helps me relax. We laugh about our different schedules, but there is only one of us in the bathroom at a time, which is nice. Try working out a schedule so that everyone is happy.

— Married a Long Time in Portland, Ore.

Well, they do sometimes say that opposites attract. Your hint about working on a “routine” that fits the household is important to promote harmony for all.

— Heloise Dear Readers:

Suzanne M. in Brookline, N.H., sent a picture of her 16-yearold gray-and-white domestic longhair, Leo, admiring some flowers on her countertop. One caveat, Suzanne: Be sure the flowers are not harmful to Leo.

To see Leo, visit www. and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Dear Heloise: — Heloise

I need a pet hint! Through the years, I’ve had various rescued animals — dogs and now cats. My home has pet odor. I’m thinking it has absorbed into the hardwood floors. I’ve used pine-scented cleaners, but they don’t seem to help. How do I get rid

— A Reader, Staten Island N.Y. Dear Staten Island:

of it? You are a very good person to take in rescued dogs and cats! You may be on the right track if the odor is coming from the wood floor. It’s important to note that cat urine is highly concentrat­ed (they don’t drink much water), and therefore smells much stronger and lingers longer, too.

You’ve taken the first step: a good houseclean­ing. Also, open windows and turn on overhead fans to get fresh air circulatin­g. If you have an air-conditioni­ng system or unit, put some room spray on the filter to help “mask” the odor.

Vinegar does kill some bacteria and thus odors, so you can try some of that. Use only 1 cup of apple-cider or white vinegar to a gallon of water to go over the floor. Do not overwet; just lightly dampen a mop and then dry the floor. Good luck, and give your pets a little scratch behind the ears from me.

P.S. Go to the pet store and buy an enzyme-based pet-odor remover — they work great!

Heloise — Heloise Dear Readers:

When I saddle up on the stationary bike for a spin around the den, I’m never bored. I watch the news, read the paper or a magazine, drink my morning coffee and have been known to take phone calls! Why waste time?

— On the go,

Dear Readers: A reader wrote in years ago that when her cat wanted to go outside, he would jump up on her piano and walk across the keys! He certainly created his own tune.

— Heloise

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