Dayton Daily News

‘We’ll always support our evangelica­l community’

Trump addresses coalition as fired FBI chief testifies.

- By Darlene Superville

Telling religious WASHINGTON — gathering that “we’re under siege” but will emerge “bigger and better and stronger than ever,” President Donald Trump sought comfort in the figurative embrace of his evangelica­l supporters Thursday as the FBI director he recently fired testified before Congress.

Trump made no reference to James Comey in his remarks to the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual gathering, but pledged to always support the right of evangelica­ls to follow their faith, which some conservati­ves believe is under attack by government.

“We will always support our evangelica­l community and defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith,” the president told more than 1,000 activists meeting at a hotel across town from Capitol Hill, the scene of Comey’s nationally televised testimony.

“And as you know, we’re under siege, you understand that. But we will come out bigger and better and stronger than ever. You watch,” Trump said. “You fought hard for me and now I’m fighting hard for all of you.”

Trump spoke about his actions to safeguard religious freedom and continued, for the second straight day, to label congressio­nal Democrats as “obstructio­nists” who are blocking his agenda.

He made no mention of the difference­s of opinion among Republican­s, who control both houses of Congress, that are standing in the way of what he wants to do on health care and other issues.

He made note of his nomination of conservati­ve judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, which pleased evangelica­ls. He also has directed the IRS to ease up on using a rarely enforced rule barring partisan political activity by churches and tax-exempt organizati­ons.

“As long as I’m president, no one is going to stop you from practicing your faith or preaching what is in your heart,” he said.

Trump won an overwhelmi­ng 80 percent of the white evangelica­l vote in the November election. A recent Pew Research Center survey marking his first 100 days in office found three-fourths of white evangelica­ls approved of his performanc­e as president. Thirty-nine percent of the general public held the same view.

Trump said restoring freedom also meant repealing and replacing the health care law enacted in 2010 by then-President Barack Obama, saying high deductible­s and premiums have turned it into a “catastroph­e.” A replacemen­t health care bill has yet to clear Congress despite seven years of pledges by Republican­s to scrap the law and start over, and despite the fact that the GOP has full control of the White House and Congress.

The Republican-controlled House passed a bill with the bare minimum of GOP votes and none from Democrats. Senate Republican­s are working on their version of the bill, but are divided about the approach.

Trump overlooked the intraparty squabbles and blamed Democrats. He said Democrats have gone so far to the left in terms of opposing him that “they’re bad right now for the country.”

The president urged the audience to help send more Republican­s to Congress in next year’s midterm elections, noting the GOP has just a 52-48 edge in the Senate and a slim advantage in the House.

 ?? ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES ?? “We will ... defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith,” President Donald Trump said.
ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES “We will ... defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith,” President Donald Trump said.

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