Dayton Daily News

58 dead after blaze at London high-rise

Public anger grows as neighbors demand answers.

- By Associated Press

London police Saturday raised to 58 the number of deaths either confirmed or presumed following the horrific inferno that turned the city’s Grenfell Tower public housing block into a charred hulk.

Public anger is mounting as residents and neighbors demand answers for how the blaze early Wednesday spread so quickly and trapped so many of the tower’s approximat­ely 600 residents. British media have reported that contractor­s installed a cheaper, less flame-resistant type of exterior paneling on the 24-story tower in a renovation that was completed just last year.

Police Commander Stuart Cundy said the number of 58 is based on reports from the public and may rise. It includes 30 deaths that already have been confirmed, and reports of people who are missing and presumed to have been killed. He says it will take weeks or longer to recover and identify all the dead at the building.

“Sadly, at this time there are 58 people who we have been told were in the Grenfell Tower on the night that are missing. And therefore, sadly, I have to assume that they are dead,” he said.

He said police would consider criminal prosecutio­ns if there is evidence of wrongdoing and that the police investigat­ion would include scrutiny of the renovation project at the tower, which experts believe may have left the building more vulnerable to a catastroph­ic blaze.

Police have been struggling to come up with an authoritat­ive list of who was in the building when the fire started, making it difficult to determine how many had died.

Cundy said there may have been other people in the tower who police are not aware of, and that could increase the death toll. He asked anyone who was in the tower and survived to contact police immediatel­y.

Police say the harrowing search for remains had paused Friday because of safety concerns at the blackened tower but has resumed. Cundy said emergency workers have now reached the top of the building.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, facing criticism for the government’s handling of the disaster, met Saturday with 15 fire survivors invited to her official residence at 10 Downing Street. The group left after a meeting that lasted more than two hours but did not speak to reporters gathered outside.

The meeting is unlikely to quell complaints that May has been slow to reach out to fire survivors, despite her announceme­nt of a $6.4 million emergency fund to help the displaced families.

May said after the meeting Saturday that there have been “huge frustratio­ns” in the community as people tried to get informatio­n.

“Frankly, the support on the ground for families who needed help or basic informatio­n in the initial hours after this appalling disaster was not good enough,” she said.

The identifica­tion of the victims is proving very difficult — which experts attribute to the extreme heat of the fire. British health authoritie­s say that 19 fire survivors are still being treated at London hospitals, and 10 of them remain in critical condition.

Police said they are using the INTERPOL Disaster Victim Identifica­tion Standards to identify the deceased. This relies on dental records, fingerprin­ts and DNA when possible and also features such as tattoos or scars.

The tragedy cast a pall on the Trooping the Color festivitie­s that mark the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. A solemn Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, held a minute of silence for the fire victims at the start of the procession Saturday.

The 91-year-old monarch said that Britain remains “resolute in the face of adversity” after the horrendous fire and recent extremist attacks in London and Manchester. The queen said it was “difficult to escape a very somber mood” on what is normally a day of celebratio­n.

 ?? VICTORIA JONES / PA VIA AP ?? Police Commander Stuart Cundy speaks to the media Saturday. He said the toll of 58 is based on reports from the public and may rise.
VICTORIA JONES / PA VIA AP Police Commander Stuart Cundy speaks to the media Saturday. He said the toll of 58 is based on reports from the public and may rise.

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