Dayton Daily News

4 ways to ID a lonely child

- Dayton Children's Hospital

Twelve-year-old Josh and his mom had accomplish­ed a lot during seven sessions of therapy. He was getting along better with his little sister, and his interactio­ns with his mom were more positive.

It wasn’t until I discussed terminatin­g therapy that Josh finally told me how lonely he felt, which had never come up during our meetings.

While Josh had many acquaintan­ces, he didn’t have any close friends. While superficia­lly pleasant and outgoing, he was fearful of saying what he really felt and thought. If people knew the real Josh, he felt he would be ridiculed and rejected. He was living a dual life. His external behavior was ordinary and acceptable. His inner world was solitary and disengaged.

He cried in my office for about 10 minutes, and then profusely apologized for using so many tissues. He quickly retreated to his pretend world and reassured me that he was doing fine.

Loneliness is hard to diagnose in kids, and often can be mistaken for other conditions.

Loneliness is not depression. Kids who are depressed generally have little energy and experience no enjoyment in most activities. Loneliness is also different from being introspect­ive or quiet. Many people enjoy being alone and pursuing their interests and hobbies.

For older adults, loneliness can be a killer. Such feelings significan­tly increase the risk of a variety of physical and mental problems in older adults. However, not much is known about the prevalence or impact of loneliness in children. One study of preadolesc­ent children estimated that between 8 percent and 11 percent of the children reported feelings of loneliness.

Kids are reluctant to admit such feelings, concerned that it’s a sign of weakness. Here are four ways to help you identify a lonely child.

Poor social skills.

Many of these kids have a hard time interactin­g with others. They may seem overly bossy, rude, quiet, boring or negative. They often have a difficult time interpreti­ng and responding to their feelings or those of others.

Quirky style.

Some kids are just a bit different from others. Such distinctio­ns can be engaging but may result in rejection from peers and adults.

Internet addiction.

More kids are using the digital universe to escape from the real world. Some kids find comfort and support from anonymous interactio­ns with others. However, meaningful relationsh­ips come from engagement with real people.

Family turmoil.

Lonely kids are more apt to result from parental instabilit­y, divorce, family stress, frequent moves and child abuse or violence.

There’s no easy answer for loneliness, other than the encouragem­ent to reach out and connect with others. Volunteeri­ng, exercise, music, church, pets, or just being around loving and caring adults and peers can often help.

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