Dayton Daily News

Families cope with estrangeme­nt

How family members cope with broken connection­s.

- By Leslie Mann

Therapists say estrangeme­nt is epidemic, often between parents and grown children, but also between grown siblings.

‘The principles of obligation, duty and respect that baby boomers and generation­s before them had for their elders aren’t necessaril­y there anymore.’ Joshua Coleman Psychologi­st in San Francisco

Even though she became a widow young, Cynthia Gross said she gave her daughter, now grown, everything she wanted, from dance and piano lessons to family vacations at Disneyland. Together with Gross’ son, they had a happy little family. That is, until her daughter got married.

Then, in 2015, a lead curtain fell between Gross and her daughter, who quit calling and visiting. They eventually became estranged.

“Never, ever did I think this would happen to us,” said Gross, who lives in California.

No one keeps an official tally, but therapists, including Joshua Coleman, a San Francisco psychologi­st, say estrangeme­nt is “epidemic” for many reasons. Most often, it is between a parent and adult child, though it also occurs in other relationsh­ips such as sibling-sibling.

“Parenting has changed more in the last 40 years than it did in the few centuries before that,” said Coleman, author of “When Parents Hurt: Compassion­ate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don’t Get Along.”

As a result, today’s adult children don’t view their relationsh­ips with their parents the way their folks did with their parents, said Coleman. “The principles of obligation, duty and respect that baby boomers and generation­s before them had for their elders aren’t necessaril­y there anymore,” he said.

Many of today’s parents strive to become their grown child’s friend, said Coleman. “When that works, it really works,” he said. “But when it doesn’t work, it really doesn’t.”

For a host of reasons, some adult children distance themselves from their parents. What about grandkids?

Sometimes estrangeme­nt creates a wall between grandparen­ts and grandchild­ren. Donna, who lives in Georgia and asked that her full name not be used to protect her privacy, is estranged from her grown son, who has a year-old baby with his new wife. “I haven’t seen the baby since he was 3 months old,” said Donna, who has filed a lawsuit to gain the right to visit the baby. “But it’s not just me; he also is being deprived of a big, loving family with aunts, uncles, cousins and a great-grandmothe­r (my mother).”

Not letting Donna see her grandchild is her son’s way of “punishing me for not allowing him in my house at this stage in his life,” she said. “His lifestyle includes doing drugs, and I have to protect my other son who is 10 years younger than his brother is. And, I’ve got to show my younger son that mama’s no pushover.”

A sibling-sibling estrangeme­nt, on the other hand, is more often fueled by a marriage by one sibling to a spouse who believes three is a crowd, said Mark Sichel, a New York City-based psychother­apist and author of “Healing From Family Rifts: Ten Steps to Finding Peace After Being Cut Off From a Family Member.”

“It starts with the new in-law saying, ‘You have to go here’ or ‘You have to go there’ for a holiday dinner,” said Sichel. Lingering stigmas

Although it’s tough for outsiders to understand estrangeme­nt, it’s easier to justify the adult child’s split from his parent(s) if he suffered an abusive childhood.

Growing up, Cari, now in her 30s and from the San Diego area, watched her mother go in and out of drug and alcohol rehab, while she was the target of her verbal abuse.

“I reached the point where I just couldn’t do it anymore,” said Cari, who also asked that her full name not be used for privacy. “The last straw was when she got out of jail — again — from another DUI. She said she was so happy to no longer be in jail with ‘those people.’ I told her she is one of ‘those people.’”

As more people talk openly about estrangeme­nt in their families, those in the trenches hope education will help dispel myths.

It is not true, for example, that child abuse always precedes estrangeme­nt, said Coleman.

Also, “there’s still a widespread belief that the parent did something wrong (before a grown child became estranged),” said Susan Cifaldi of Williamson, N.Y., an estranged parent and co-administra­tor of website Estranged Parents Speak Up. Survival 101

If estrangeme­nt isolates you, Sichel suggests surroundin­g yourself with a “second-chance family who will love and support you.” They won’t share your Ancestry Report, but they will share your values and interests.

That worked for Jeff, who planted new roots in the Minneapoli­s metro area — far enough from his hometown that it’s not likely his birth family will drop by. “My new family includes a former friend’s mom, who became my adoptive mom, and the man I plan to marry,” said Jeff, who is an advocate for others who find peace through estrangeme­nt. Jeff also asked that his full name not be used for privacy.

Gross said she surrounds herself with “loving, fun people who appreciate me.” Along with her son and grandson, she spends time with members of her theater group, book club and a nonprofit she writes grant proposals for.

Surviving estrangeme­nt can be difficult. There are several online support groups. Google “estrangeme­nt” and the type of relationsh­ip, for example, sibling-sibling or parent-child, to connect with others in a similar situation.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? A survey conducted by the website Estranged Stories gauged estrangeme­nt between parents and their adult children.
DREAMSTIME A survey conducted by the website Estranged Stories gauged estrangeme­nt between parents and their adult children.

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