Dayton Daily News

Russia threatens strikes against U.S.

U.S. troops, allies targeted as tensions increase in Syria.

- By David Filipov and Liz Sly

Russia raised the threat of attacking U.S. forces in Syria, saying it would target areas occupied by American units.

MOSCOW — Russia on Thursday raised the threat of a direct confrontat­ion with U.S. forces in Syria, saying that the Russian military would target areas occupied by American units and U.S.backed militias if Moscow’s troops come under fire.

The warning came amid rising tensions in the Syrian desert between the United States and its Kurdish and Arab allies on the one hand, and Russia, the Syrian regime and Iranian-backed militias on the other, as both converge on Islamic State-held territory in eastern Syria.

A Russian m ilitary spokesman, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenko­v, said the U.S.- backed Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, had twice in recent days shelled Syrian government positions outside Deir al-Zour, a stra- tegic city in the region.

Konashenko­v said Russian special forces are help- ing government troops fight Islamic State militants in the battle for the city.

Moscow has conveyed to the U.S. military command “in no uncertain terms that any attempts to open fire from areas where SDF fighters are located would be quickly shut down,” Konashenko­v said in a state- ment. The tensions have been escalating as the SDF advances through Islamic State-held territory from the northeast toward Russian-backed Syrian government forces advancing from the west, risking a collision.

The warning that Russia is prepared to take military action to check any further advances by the U.S.-led coa- lition came after the United States on Saturday said Russian warplanes had struck an SDF position north of Deir al-Zour. Soldiers of the U.S.- led multinatio­nal coalition were present at the time of the strike, according to a U.S. military statement.

Past close encounters between the United States

and Russia in Syria have been resolved through the mechanism of deconflict­ion agreements, which delineate where the rival forces may operate. But there is no such agree-

ment defining the U.S. and Russian areas of operation around the key towns and villages stretching south along the Euphrates River from Deir al-Zour toward the town of Bukamal on the Iraqi bor- der. The area contains most of Syria’s oilfields and con- trols access to the Iraqi bor- der, and it is viewed as a critical prize for all sides involved.

Syrian government officials have said that they regard it as essential to take control over the area, in pursuit of their goal of restoring sovereignt­y over all of Syria. They also want to prevent the United States from gaining influence over any more Syrian territory.

For Iran — a key backer of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — the Iraqi border area represents an opportunit­y to cement its arc of influence stretching from Tehran through Baghdad and Damascus to Beirut on the Mediterran­ean.

U.S. military officials say their primary goal is to defeat the Islamic State, which is thought to have concentrat­ed many of its senior leaders in the area and is expected to make its last stand along the Euphrates River Valley.

But Trump administra­tion officials have also said on several occasions that they have set the additional a goal of containing any further expansion of Iranian influence in areas where the Islamic State is defeated. The Russian threat appeared to serve a warning that if Washington intends to take on Iran in the area, it will have to contend with Russia as well.

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 ?? THE WASHINGTON POST Source: Conflict Monitor by IHS Markit as of Sept. 18 ??
THE WASHINGTON POST Source: Conflict Monitor by IHS Markit as of Sept. 18

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