Dayton Daily News

Liberal group to hammer GOP on birth control

Dems eager to seize on female fury with administra­tion.

- By Elise Viebeck

Liberal groups are seizing on Republican attempts to roll back health coverage and limit access to birth control as they seek to galvanize women voters ahead of next year’s midterm elections.

Organizati­ons such as Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Emily’s List believe the Trump administra­tion handed them a potent political issue on Friday when it carved out wide exceptions to the Affordable Care Act’s promise of no-cost contracept­ion. Activists plan to link this action to congres- sional Republican­s’ repeated attempts to undercut the ACA in ways that co u ld have caused millions to lose health insurance, as part of a broader strategy focused on defeating moderate GOP members and buttressin­g vulnerable Democrats.

“As millions of women watch this administra­tion take away fundamenta­l health care like birth control, they’re also paying attention to all those members of Congress who are not standing up to fight for them,” said Erica Sackin, communicat­ions director for Planned Parenthood Action Fund, in a phone interview.

Democrats are eager to capitalize on women’s anger toward the Trump admin- istration and congressio- nal Republican­s in a cycle that could be punishing for their Senate incumbents. While Democratic candidates could make some gains in the House, the party is defending 10 Senate seats in states won by President Donald Trump - five in states he won by double-digits. By framing their message around health-care access, strategist­s hope to appeal to women voters who might not see themselves as part of the anti-Trump “resistance,” but who opposed GOP healthcare proposals this spring and summer.

Activists said the 2018 cycle is ripe for strong, prowoman messaging in light of mounting sexual harassment scandals such as the one engulfing Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, reminding women of their continued vulnerabil­ity to discrimina­tion, and Trump’s poor approval ratings with female voters.

Trump’s latest change to the birth control pol- icy, which gave employers greater leeway not to cover contracept­ion in workers’ health plans, dovetails neatly with those themes.

“This administra­tion has really made an effort to roll out an anti-woman agenda,” said Vanessa Cardenas, direc- tor of strategic communicat­ions for Emily’s List. “We want to make sure women understand what’s at stake... . Women are realizing more and more how their rights are under threat.”

Kaylie Hanson Long, national communicat­ions director for NARAL ProChoice America, said women’s rights and health care rank among the top issues for key voters in 2018.

“We’ll absolutely be reminding voters which candidates stand with Donald Trump and which candidates stand with women,” Long said in an emailed statement.

National survey data appears to be on Demo- crats’ side.

In a June poll, the Kaiser Family Foundation found two-thirds of Americans supported the ACA’s requiremen­t that private health insurance plans cover the full cost of birth control, including more than half of Republican­s and larger majorities of independen­ts.

Smaller majorities of adults opposed allowing exceptions for employers with religious objections, 53 percent, or moral objections, 55 percent, to contracept­ion.

Republican­s are showing signs they will rebut criticism by attacking Democrats’ support for a single-payer health care system.

“Any conversat ion on health care begins and ends with House Demo- crats’ full embrace of sin- gle-payer,” National Republican Congressio­nal Commit- tee national press secretary Jesse Hunt said in an emailed statement. “The promise of massive tax increases and a reduction in the quality of health care one receives is sure to be a drag on their electoral prospects.”

A request for comment from the National Republi- can Senatorial Committee was not returned.

Democrats see an opportu- nity to use their health-care message in Nevada, where an original co-sponsor of the so-called Cassidy-Graham bill - Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev. - is defending his seat and represents their best chance at picking off a GOP incumbent.

Hillary Clinton won the state by 2.4 points in November, and strategist­s noted that freshman Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., won after repeatedly attacking her GOP opponent for his conservati­ve abortion stance and votes to defund Planned Parenthood. Groups like Planned Parenthood Votes and Emily’s List described her repeatedly as a “champion” for women’s health and rights.

Heller’s support for Senate Republican­s’ latest failed health-care bill could come back to haunt him in the race. The first-term sena- tor was one of four original co-sponsors of the legislatio­n, which was opposed 2-to-1 in September’s Wash- ington Post-ABC News poll.

Rep. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., who launched her bid for Heller’s seat this summer, is already using the health care and birth control issues as a cudgel.

“This puts basic, funda- mental health care at risk for 62 million women,” Rosen tweeted Friday after the administra­tion’s birth-con- trol announceme­nt. “It’s anti-women’s health, plain & simple. Unacceptab­le.”

A tougher test could be Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s bid for reelec- tion in Missouri.

The two-term senator has benefited in the past from Republican ham-handed- ness on women’s health: in 2012, Republican Rep. Todd Akin, Mo., was considered a viable challenger to McCaskill before saying that victims of “legitimate rape” rarely become preg- nant. The comment drew backlash from both parties and pushed McCaskill far ahead with women voters. She won the race, 54.8 percent to 39.1 percent.

This time might not be so simple. Missouri went for Trump by 18.5 points in November, and the president has repeatedly urged voters to push her out next year.

McCaskill took issue with the Trump administra­tion’s birth control decision on Friday.

“Folks of every political stripe and every faith can agree on the goal of reduc- ing the number of unin- tended pregnancie­s and abortions,” she said in a statement. “Well, the best way to do that is to expand access to birth control, not restrict it.”

At a town hall event on We d nesday, McCas k ill earned enthusiast­ic applause from the mostly female audience when she talked about access to birth control.

She later told reporters that the Trump administra­tion is “sabotaging” the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges.

“They own health care 100 percent right now,” McCaskill said of Republican­s. “And I think they’re underestim­ating the political blowback they’re going to get if they don’t get busy and help us do just the bare minimum to stabilize these exchanges.”

Liberal groups also see fertile ground in the 23 Republican congressio­nal districts won by Hillary Clinton in 2016. From southern California to the suburbs of Philadelph­ia, Houston and Phoenix, GOP lawmakers are poised to see attacks from the left on health care.

“Those seats are fertile ground for us,” said Julie McClain Downey, director of campaigns for Emily’s List. “Defunding Planned Parenthood, rolling back the birth-control mandate - we will continue to amplify those issues and draw voters’ attention to them for the next year.”

Despite repeated tries, the GOP’s seven-year promise to repeal and replace the health care law died because of two Republican women - Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, - and their concerns about defunding Planned Parenthood, threatenin­g health-care coverage for Medicaid recipients and loosening requiremen­ts that insurers cover maternity care and other vital services for women.

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