Dayton Daily News

Board candidate: Social media account hacked

Posts linked to Valley View hopeful’s account criticize Muslims.

- By Will Garbe and Josh Sweigart Staff Writers

A Valley View school board candidate said his Facebook account was hacked when he was asked by the Dayton Daily News about comments posted by the account criticizin­g Muslims and questionin­g why former President Obama was “not hung yet” for treason.

After receiving several tips about comments by candidate Mike Kilroy’s Facebook account, the Dayton Daily News found numerous controvers­ial statements made by Kilroy’s account on a Facebook page called Hardcore Deplorable­s. As of Thursday afternoon, Kilroy’s account was no longer a member in the Hardcore Deplorable­s page. Earlier in the day, his account was listed.

“You’re being played by some very nasty people; be very legally careful,” Kilroy wrote in an email to the newspaper responding to its questions about the comments. “My fb account was hacked.” He provided the newspaper no evidence of the hacking and

did not say if he informed Facebook about the incidents. The newspaper contacted Facebook, which said it could not comment on personal accounts, and contacted Hardcore Deplorable­s for response.

Kilroy is president of The Mike Kilroy Corporatio­n, according to the company’s website. In responses to questions in the Dayton Daily News voters guide, he said the current school board is fiscally irresponsi­ble, that the students are performing at only an average level on state report card measuremen­ts and the district has focused too much on replacing old buildings.

“As a business owner of a successful business for over 25 years, I know how to run a fiscally responsibl­e company — the BOE is no different and needs to be run the same way,” he wrote. “The BOE needs to be repopulate­d with people who can say no rather than rubber stamp poor decisions.”

The posts from his account on the Hardcore Deplorable­s page occurred in April, May and June. The Daily News sent screen shots of several of the posts to Kilroy, some of them written all in upper case letters.


Another of the comments says: “radical muslim = moderate muslim = silent muslim = pedophile worshiper = islam.”

Another, responding to a post about Muslims, says: “their av IQ is 75; that means 1/2 oft hem have IQ less than 75. THINK ABOUT IT .... ”

Kilroy’s email to the Dayton Daily News stated: “And I do not spell moslem “muslim:” I have ONLY spelled it moslem for a long time.” He did not elaborate.

Kilroy is one of seven candidates vying for two seats on the Valley View school board in Tuesday’s election. His candidacy has generated controvers­y, with a Facebook page titled “Valley View Voters,” openly campaignin­g against him.

“We don’t need Mike Kilroy or his hateful views,” a post from the page says. “The criteria for those who hold public office in our community shouldn’t include HATE.”

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