Dayton Daily News

Political shock throws Lebanon’s economy back into crisis

Leader’s resignatio­n may unravel bid to instill confidence.

- By Philip Issa

BEIRUT — Just when things were starting to look up for Lebanon’s economy, a new political crisis threatens to send it crashing down again.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s shock resignatio­n could unravel the first steps in years toward injecting some cash and confidence in Lebanon’s anemic economy.

Already, the crisis is putting at risk multibilli­on-dollar plans to rebuild decaying road and electrical and communicat­ion networks and get the oil and gas sector moving.

Lebanon has long been buffeted by blows from the great-powers rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. But its economy sputtered on under a tacit understand­ing among the regional heavyweigh­ts and their local proxies that left Lebanon on the sidelines of that contest.

That may have changed Saturday when the Saudi-aligned Hariri announced his resignatio­n in a televised statement from the kingdom’s capital, Riyadh, saying Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon, had taken the country hostage. It was an unexpected announceme­nt from the premier, who formed a coalition government with the militant group less than a year ago.

Since then, the news has only gotten worse. Saudi Arabia, which feels it has been humiliated by Hezbollah’s expanding influence in Syria and Iraq, says it will not accept the party as a participan­t in any government in Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates all ordered their citizens out of Lebanon this week, and the Lebanese are wondering and worried about what’s to come.

“We don’t know how things will escalate,” said Rida Shayto, an associate director at the pharmaceut­ical manufactur­er Algorithm, which does half its sales to the Gulf.

The developmen­ts have stunned the Mediterran­ean country, which once looked to Saudi Arabia as a pillar to its own stability. The kingdom brokered the Taif agreement in 1989 that ushered in peace for Lebanon after 15 years of civil war. The kingdom has plowed decades of investment into Lebanon, opened markets to trade and allowed generation­s of talented and ambitious Lebanese to work in its oil-based economy.

The concern now is that the kingdom and other Gulf nations will throw out Lebanese workers, as they did with Qatar this summer in a rage over that country’s perceived closeness to Iran.

Some 220,000 Lebanese work in Saudi Arabia and send back close to $2 billion in remittance­s each year, according to Mounir Rached, a senior economic adviser to the Finance Ministry.

Lebanese are hoping Saudi Arabia will be too wary of the negative impact on its own economy from such a mass expulsion. Many Lebanese hold managerial positions, including in the kingdom’s all-important oil sector, and it would take time to refill the posts. An expulsion would also undermine decades of Saudi efforts to cultivate ties with Lebanese Sunnis.

“I think those who are invested in Lebanon are not going to come and destroy everything that they did in terms of relationsh­ips and associatio­ns and credibilit­y,” said Kamel Wazni, an economist and sometimes adviser to Hariri’s government.

But the kingdom and its powerful Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who has made his name by dramatic — or reckless, as his critics put it — moves, can’t be seen as doing nothing, said Randa Slim, a Lebanese analyst at the Washington-based Middle East Institute.

“They have locked themselves into an escalatory path without giving themselves an exit,” she said.

The kingdom could expel Lebanese Shiites and Christians, she said. Shiites are Hezbollah’s constituen­cy and some Christian parties have allied with it. They number 10,000 to 20,000 in Saudi Arabia, according to Rached, the Finance Ministry adviser.

As it is, the biggest threat now is a retreat to the political paralysis that has crimped growth since 2011.

Lebanon, once a beacon of free market growth and joie de vivre living, was paralyzed for years over how to respond to the catastroph­ic civil war consuming its neighbor and trade partner, Syria.

Hariri’s Future Movement, the largest party in Parliament, wanted Lebanon out of Syrian affairs, while Hezbollah was sending its militias there to fight on behalf of President Bashar Assad. The political log-jam resulted in Lebanon not having a president for more than two years and no economic vision to attract investment.

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