Dayton Daily News

In Oregon, progressiv­ism spills over at the pump


Frank Lloyd Wright purportedl­y said, “Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.” Today, however, Oregon is the state with the strangest state of mind, which has something to do with it being impeccably progressiv­e: In the series “Portlandia,” the mention of artisanal lightbulbs might be satirical, but given today’s gas-pumping controvers­y, perhaps not.

On Jan. 1, by the grace of God — or of the government, which is pretty much the same thing to progressiv­es — a sliver of a right was granted to Oregonians: Henceforth they can pump gas into their cars and trucks, all by themselves. But only in counties with population­s of less than 40,000, evidently because this walk on the wild side is deemed to be prudent only in the hinterland­s, where there is a scarcity of qualified technician­s trained in the science of pumping.

Oregon is one of two states that ban self-service filling stations. The other is almost-as-deepblue New Jersey. There the ban is straightfo­rward, no-damned-nonsense-about-anything-else protection­ism: The point is to spare full-service gas stations from competing with self-service stations that, having lower labor costs, have lower prices.

Oregon’s Legislatur­e offers 17 reasons “it is in the public interest to maintain a prohibitio­n on the self-service dispensing of Class 1 flammable liquids” — aka, gasoline, which you put in your car’s “Class 1 flammable liquids tank.” The first reason is: The dispensing of such liquids “by dispensers properly trained in appropriat­e safety procedures reduces fire hazards.” This presumably refers to the many conflagrat­ions regularly occurring at filling stations throughout the 48 states where 96 percent of Americans live lives jeopardize­d by state legislator­s who are negligent regarding their nanny-state duty to assume that their constituen­ts are imbeciles.

Among Oregon’s 16 other reasons are: Service-station cashiers are often unable to “give undivided attention” to the rank amateurs dispensing flammable liquids. When purchasers of such liquids leave their vehicles they risk “crime,” and “personal injury” from slick surfaces. “Exposure to toxic fumes.” Senior citizens or persons with disabiliti­es might have to pay a higher cost at a full-service pump, which would be discrimina­tory. When people pump gas without the help of “trained and certified” specialist­s, no specialist­s peer under the hood to administer prophylact­ic maintenanc­e, thereby “endangerin­g both the customer and other motorists and resulting in unnecessar­y and costly repairs.” Self-service “has contribute­d to diminishin­g the availabili­ty of automotive repair facilities at gasoline stations” without providing “sustained” reduction in gas prices. Self-service causes unemployme­nt.

Oregon’s Solomonic decision — freedom to pump in rural counties; everywhere else, unthinkabl­e — terrified some Oregonians: “No! Disabled, seniors, people with young children in the car need help. Not to mention getting out of your car with transients around and not feeling safe too. This is a very bad idea.” “

Progressiv­e government wants the governed to become used to having things done for them, as by “trained and certified” gas pumpers. Progressiv­es are proud believers in providing experts — usually themselves — to help the rest of us cope with life.

 ?? George F. Will He writes for the Washington Post. ??
George F. Will He writes for the Washington Post.

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