Dayton Daily News

Guantanamo detentions challenged in court

Lawyers argue 11 men have been held there ‘too long.’

- By Missy Ryan

A new legal challenge seeks to end indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo Bay, as lawyers for 11 men who have been held at the military facility for up to 16 years argue that their imprisonme­nt has gone on too long.

The motion, filed at federal district court in Washington on Thursday, asserts that the detention of 11 prisoners, none of whom have been charged during their decade and a half at Guantanamo, violates U.S. and internatio­nal law.

The group represents a large share of the detainees remaining who are not facing trial in a military court process at the prison, which President Donald Trump has promised hewill keep open and potentiall­y use to house new terrorism suspects.

Wells Dixon, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constituti­onal Rights, which was involved in putting forward thisweek’s action, said the Trump administra­tion had opened it self up to a legal challenge because it appeared to intend to leave inmates at Guantanamo for the foreseeabl­e future, even those who face no charges.

The motion argues “really for the first time, that the men who remain at Guantanamo simply have been held for too long,” Dixon said. “These men will likely die in Guantanamo unless the courts intervene.”

A spokeswoma­n for the Justice Department declined to comment, saying officials were reviewing the filing.

The new legal action could present a test of the Trump administra­tion’s resolve in keeping the controvers­ial prison in operation and breaking with the previous administra­tion’s practice of releasing detainees overseas, which many Republican­s allege has threatened American security.

With just 41 prisoners remaining, the population at Guantanamo is a fraction of the more than 700 it housed in the wake of the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.

Trump, criticizin­g the actions of his predecesso­r, vowed after his election that he would end detainee transfers and fill the naval station perched on a corner of Cuba with “bad dudes.”

Trump has backed off that promise in recent months, suggesting it would take too long to try the suspect in a November terrorist attack in the dysfunctio­n al process for trying Guantanamo detainees. More than 16 years after the 9/11 attacks, trials for those suspects are stuck in years of logistical and security delays and could be years away from conclusion.

Several of the men included in Thursday’s filing were granted approval to be resettled overseas after undergoing a security review by the Obama administra­tion but did not end up being among the 196 inmates his admin- istration repatriate­d or sent to a third country.

The highest- profile prisoner in the group is Abu Zubaida, an alleged Al-Qaeda operative who was tortured at a secret CIA facility before being brought to Guantanamo in 2006.

In their filing, the lawyers for the detainees argue that the administra­tion’s decision not to consider resettleme­nt or alternate arrangemen­ts for detainees who have not been charged violates their due process rights.

A spokeswoma­n for the Pentagon said the Periodic Review Board process, which convenes officials from across the government to consider whether a detainee continues to pose a risk, has continued.

But the Trump adminis- tration has not appeared to use that review mechanism to move prisoners toward overseas transfer.

Lee Wolosky, who served as special envoy for Guantanamo closure under the Obama administra­tion, said the Trump administra­tion’s approach “flies in the face of the history of U.S. detention policy under both Republican and Democratic administra­tions.”

The motion also argues that the ongoing detention of two men already cleared for transfer, a Yemeni and a Moroccan, has no legal purpose because the Trump administra­tion does not intend to move them overseas.

Also at issue is the Authorizat­ion for Use of Military Force passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

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