Dayton Daily News

Jordan: Clinton, not Trump, sought Russian help

Some accuse Urbana Republican of jockeying for leadership role.

- By Jessica Wehrman

Rep. Jim Jordan has emerged as a top defender of President Donald Trump as the Justice Department’s Russia investigat­ion continues, leading some to wonder if the GOP insurgent known for causing heartburn to the party establishm­ent has become a surrogate for the president.

For the Urbana Republican, it’s very straightfo­rward: He says it was the Hillary Clinton campaign — not the Trump campaign — that worked with Russia to influence the 2016 presidenti­al election, namely by paying for the compilatio­n of a dossier meant to embarrass Trump. Former FBI director James Comey testified in June that some of the infor- mation in that dossier was “salacious and unverified,” but Jordan argues that the FBI nonetheles­s used it to obtain warrants to spy on Trump campaign officials.

He began questionin­g the investigat­ion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller last month, spurring headlines when he told Fox News that “everything points to the fact that there was an orchestrat­ed plan to try to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the next president of the United States.”

He amplified those comments in January, publishing a piece with Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., in the Washington Examiner that urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step down because of Justice Department leaks regarding the case.

Jordan has been so upfront with his criticism of the Russia investigat­ion that CNN host John Berman,

in a recent interview with Jordan, asked him if he was coordinati­ng talking points with the White House.

“Of course not,” Jordan said.

‘Key moment in history’

Whether Jordan is motivated by the dedication of a dogged true believer or whether he’s doing it to get in good graces with the Trump administra­tion has stirred plenty of debate.

A Capitol Hill Republican who declined to be named so he could speak candidly said Jordan’s criticism of the investigat­ion is part of a larger effort aimed at positionin­g the Freedom Caucus, led by Jordan, for a leadership role in the next Congress.

“This whole mop-up duty for the president is jockeying for the next Congress and leadership,” he said.

But others say Jordan’s full-throated criticism of the investigat­ion comes from sincerity.

“If I know anything about Jim Jordan, it’s that he sticks to his guns, sticks to his principles,” said former Ohio GOP chairman Matt Borges, who has been a critic of Trump. “I think he says that stuff because he believes it.”

Democrats accuse Jordan of serving as a surrogate for Trump.

“This will be his legacy,” Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said. “This is a key moment in history. We know another government interfered with our election and he was one of the congressme­n working to stop the American people from knowing what happened ... we all should want answers to what happened.”

Jordan: ‘You cannot do that in America’

In an interview, Jordan defended his recent statements, saying the Russia investigat­ion was started under flawed circumstan­ces. He has worked to point out problems with the investigat­ion, including the fact that the FBI began its investigat­ion based on a dossier compiled out of research paid for by the Clinton campaign.

“If the FBI took an opposition research document that was unsubstant­iated, that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and dressed it up like legitimate intelligen­ce — you cannot do that in America,” he said.

Jordan said he is also concerned about text messages exchanged by two top FBI officers who were having an extramarit­al affair. One of the officers, Peter Strzock, ran both the investigat­ion of whether Clinton downloaded classified informatio­n on her personal email server as well as the investigat­ion into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the campaign.

Strzock last year was removed from the Russia probe over the text messages, one of which called the possibilit­y of a Trump victory “terrifying” and another referring to an “insurance policy” in case he was elected.

Jordan said he thinks the “insurance policy” Strzock referred to was the dossier.

Sounding much like Trump himself, who accused Strzock of treason last week, Jordan said: “To date, we have not one bit of evidence that shows there was coordinati­on between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the election. But we have hard facts that say the Clinton campaign paid Russia to do what? Influence the election — to gather material to influence the election” in Clinton’s favor.

Frequent critic

This is far from the first time Jordan has become entrenched in a controvers­ial congressio­nal investigat­ion, or thrown spears at the other party. He was a key critic of accusation­s that the IRS unfairly denied tax-exempt status to tea party organizati­ons, and he was among the most vocal on the 2015 House investigat­ion of 2012 attacks on an embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

Rep. Warren Davidson, a Troy Republican and a close ally of Jordan, dismisses the notion that Jordan’s investigat­ions are partisan, saying he has been equally hard on GOP Attorney General Jeff Sessions as he was on Obama attorney generals Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder.

“It seems like that this is an investigat­ion about Trump, and in reality, the purpose of this investigat­ion is to understand how Russia tried to influence our elections,” Davidson said.

Meadows, chairman of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus, which Jordan helped found, said Jordan “believes the government should be there to serve the people but not pick winners and losers ... he’s been consistent with trying to make sure he holds the government accountabl­e.”

But Pepper described a different Jordan, one who “is literally buying into the most extreme of the conspiracy theories.”

“It’s one thing just to have that opinion,” he said. “But that’s not just his opinion. He’s actively involved in very concrete ways to being a roadblock to an investigat­ion of something serious.”

 ??  ?? Jim Jordan
Jim Jordan
 ?? AP ?? Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has emerged as a top defender of President Donald Trump as the Justice Department’s Russia investigat­ion continues.
AP Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has emerged as a top defender of President Donald Trump as the Justice Department’s Russia investigat­ion continues.

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