Dayton Daily News

Trump’s racism flares again, so what will we as nation do?

- She writes for the Kansas City Star. Mary Sanchez

The unrepentan­t racist who is our 45th president has never worn a Klansman’s hood — not that we know of, anyway. But, sadly, that’s what it would take for far too many Americans to acknowledg­e that a bigot resides in the White House.

As the first anniversar­y of Donald Trump’s presidency approaches, columnists and bloggers and other pundits are gathering thoughts for their appraisals. How much damage has been unleashed by the Trump presidency?

Race relations are at the top of that list, as the president himself confirmed with his “shithole” insult to Haiti and various Latin American and African nations. He bandied the vulgarity during bipartisan meetings on immigratio­n reforms with members of Congress. Trump did not misspeak.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” was the exact quote reported by people in the room. Some members present had suggested that immigrants from these countries deserved protection­s that allow them to reside in the U.S. legally when their nations have been hit with natural disasters. Trump, unimpresse­d by such humanitari­an concerns, went on to complain that we don’t do enough to encourage more immigrants to arrive from Norway.

It isn’t difficult to read Trump’s mind. Black- and brown-skinned immigrants are bad. White immigrants from Nordic countries are good.

Yes, it’s that simple. Those of us who have black or brown skin have never been fooled. We’re just waiting for people more obtuse about the ways of prejudice to open their minds.

The temporary status protecting Salvadoran­s from deportatio­n is gone (many were stranded in this country after a series of earthquake­s devastated El Salvador). Legal protection­s for similarly situated Nicaraguan­s and Haitians were stripped away last year. And Hondurans are awaiting their fate under this administra­tion.

Trump has shown an undeniable pattern of xenophobia. Among his first actions as president was an executive order to try to keep Muslims out of the country.

Trump is still wishywashy about what will happen to the DACA recipients and the so-called Dreamers, people who were brought to the U.S. as children without visa authorizat­ion. Trump has used them as political hostages, saying that he’ll offer them a reprieve if Congress approves funding for the “great big beautiful wall” across the U.S.-Mexican border.

And Trump’s disdain for African-Americans was set long ago. Recall his birther claims about Barack Obama. The unstated but crystal-clear subtext of birtherism was that the black man is not fit for the office.

How ironic. Trump owes his place in history in part to the fact that America showed its better side in 2008 when it first elected Obama. And some people have been ticked off ever since.

What will it take, America? The man is a racist. Racism was a major part of his appeal. Racism is a major part of his governing strategy. This will have consequenc­es.

The long-term damage Trump will do to our republic is not fully apparent.

Only one thing is certain. Donald Trump will continue to befoul the office he holds and betray the principles of the “United” States of America — unless we remove him and his party from power.

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