Dayton Daily News

New procedure may delay hip replacemen­t surgery

- By JoAnne Viviano

After an MRI COLUMBUS — found damage to the bone on the ball side of his left hip joint, doctors recommende­d that Ted DeFrancisc­o rest the area by using crutches for several months.

That didn’t cut it for the 49-year-old Marysville resident, who makes a living on his feet managing the restoratio­n of properties damaged by water and fire. Something had to give. “I couldn’t do anything,” he said. “I couldn’t put any weight on my leg whatsoever.”

Because of DeFrancisc­o’s relatively young age, his orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Kelton Vasileff, shied away from hip-replacemen­t surgery.

Vasileff, who specialize­s in hip preservati­on at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center, turned instead to something called the Subchondro­plasty Procedure.

The process inserts a cement-like bone substitute into damaged bone to fill any lesions or voids.

While it’s gained popularity over the past several years as a way to help heal knee injuries, it’s rarely used for hip joints, Vasileff said.

But he started using Subchondro­plasty for hip repair within the past year and has now performed the procedure in as many as 20 patients. He said it can target cysts, swelling or other damage in the bone.

“The idea is if we can help treat the bone underneath the cartilage … on the socket side or on the ball side, then we can hopefully help those patients preserve their hip for longer,” he said.

Vasileff said he mixes the cement-like bone substitute with healing factors and proteins pulled from a patient’s bone marrow. The substance is then injected into the “more hollow, spongy, spiderwebb­y” interior bone, where it eventually hardens, he said.

“It then supports the bone,” Vasileff said.

“Your bone then grows into it over time and replaces it with your own healthy bone.”

Before injecting the bone substitute, Vasileff said, he drills several holes in the bone to reduce pressure and stimulate bleeding, which attracts healing elements to the area.

In DeFrancisc­o’s case, the damage was to his femoral head, the bone at the top of the leg that forms the ball side of the hip joint.

DeFrancisc­o said the outpatient procedure, which he underwent in August, was a success. After recovery and physical therapy, he was back to work “full force” by the end of October.

Vasileff called the surgery “a home run.”

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