Dayton Daily News

5 things you should know if you’re trying to conceive

- By Diana Cuy Castellano­s

If you are trying to conceive, you may first want to make sure your diet is conception-promoting. Research suggests a connection between certain foods and nutrients and the probabilit­y of conception.

And, it is not just women who have to watch what they eat — but also men.

For men, different foods and nutrients can effect sperm count and production. For women, hormone levels and a healthy reproducti­ve system may be effected by diet.

So if you are wanting to have children, here are some diet and health tips.

1) Limit caffeine.

Although research has been somewhat inconsiste­nt, there is reason to decrease consumptio­n of coffee to about a cup or less a day.

2) Ensure adequate iron and zinc consumptio­n

Many women are iron deficient. However, iron plays a role in ovulation. Zinc is important in promoting sperm maturation and adequate testostero­ne levels.

Good sources of iron and zinc include meats, poultry and fish. You can also find zinc in beans, nuts and seeds and iron is found in tofu, beans and leafy greens.

3) Consume foods high in antioxidan­ts

Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidan­ts. A diet high in antioxidan­ts can protect eggs and sperm from oxidative damage.

4) Limit alcohol

Research shows that high intakes of alcohol can effect sperm count and size and is associated with infertilit­y in women.

5) Watch the soy intake

Soy has isoflavone­s which act as phytoestro­gen in the body and may effect progestero­ne and luteinizin­g hormone levels in women and sperm count in men.

Consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables and healthy meats or beans while limiting caffeine, soy and alcohol intake may help conceive that bundle of joy.

Other dietary-related factors associated with fertility includes weight gain or loss. If a normal-weight person has a significan­t weight loss during a short period of time or is underweigh­t already, chances of conception can decrease. On the other side, if a person is obese with excessive body fat, chances of conception may also decrease. Therefore, sustaining a healthy body weight is beneficial.

Exercise can also play a role. Excessive exercise can decrease chances of conception, although moderate exercise is good.

So the key to promoting fertility is essentiall­y eating a balanced diet, maintainin­g a healthy weight and being physically active. Diana Cuy Castellano­s is an assistant professor at the University of Dayton and a registered dietitian. She teaches courses on nutrition and fitness and nutritiona­l health in communitie­s. Email: dcuycastel­lanos1@udayton. edu.

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