Dayton Daily News

A different way to help

- Heloise

Dear Readers: For many years, I’ve written about a wonderful program from St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. The children would take the fronts of recycled greeting cards and make new cards that were sold in the gift shop as well as online.

Sadly, this program has concluded. Sales have declined, St. Jude’s isn’t able to staff the program, and the children are developing different, newer, updated skills at the ranch.

However, there are still ways that you can help; St. Jude’s is always accepting monetary donations. Here’s how your dollars help: a $50 donation will buy a brand-new coat for a child, and $100 will pay for an iceskating party. A mere $25 will fulfill a wish-list item for a child for a birthday or holiday.

Visit www.stjudesran­ch. org for more informatio­n, or you can call 702-294-7142 to speak to a representa­tive from St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. — Heloise

P.S. If there IS a group that has use for these cards, please let me know so I can pass on the informatio­n to my readers.

General cleaner

Dear Heloise: I’m looking to save money on house- hold cleaners. Didn’t you have a classic formula for a safe and cheap all-purpose cleaner? — Ron E. in Pennsylvan­ia

Ron, sure do! Here are the “ingredient­s”: 1/2 cup household ammonia, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, and 1 teaspoon dishwashin­g liquid.

Combine them with enough water to make 1 gallon total. This mixture is safe to use on most surfaces, but do wear gloves, and NEVER add bleach or any product containing bleach to this formula. — Heloise

Oil of delay

Household Hints

Dear Heloise: I was getting ready one morning, and my 5-year-old grandson Danny asked what I was put- ting on my face. I replied, “My makeup.”

He asked me, “What’s in this bottle?” I answered: “I call that Oil of Delay. It’s to keep me looking younger.” He remarked, “Grandma, I don’t think it’s working!” — Elaine R., Massillon, Ohio Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise(at) I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column

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