Dayton Daily News

Choosing immigratio­n criteria is a Sisyphean task

- George F. Will He writes for the Washington Post.

In 1790, the finest mind in the First Congress, and of his generation, addressed in the House of Representa­tives the immigratio­n issue: “It is no doubt very desirable that we should hold out as many inducement­s as possible for the worthy part of mankind to come and settle amongst us.” Perhaps today’s 115th Congress will resume the Sisyphean task of continuing one of America’s oldest debates, in which James Madison was an early participan­t: By what criteria should we decide who is worthy?

The antecedent­s of the pronouns “we” and “us” include the almost 80 million who are either immigrants — not excluding the more than 11 million undocument­ed ones — or their children. They might be amused to learn that in the only full-length book Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Notes on the State of Virginia,” he worried that too many immigrants might be coming from Europe with monarchica­l principles “imbibed in their early youth.”

A century later, Theodore Roosevelt saw virtue emerging from struggles between the “Anglo-Saxon” race and what Roosevelt’s friend and soulmate Rudyard Kipling called “lesser breeds without the law.” TR, who worried that the United States was becoming a “polyglot boarding house,” supported America’s first significan­t legislatio­n restrictin­g immigratio­n, passed to exclude Chinese, because he thought Chinese laborers would depress American wages, and because he believed they would be “ruinous to the white race.”

In 1902, in the final volume of professor Woodrow Wilson’s widely-read book “A History of the American People,” he contrasted “the sturdy stocks of the north of Europe” — e.g., Norwegians — with southern and eastern Europeans who had “neither skill nor energy nor any initiative of quick intelligen­ce.” U.S. Army data gathered during World War I mobilizati­on demonstrat­ed, according to a Princeton psychologi­st, “the intellectu­al superiorit­y of our Nordic group over the Mediterran­ean, Alpine and Negro groups.”

The next phase of America’s immigratio­n debate will generate the most heat about border security and whether those who are here illegally should stay.

The border was irrelevant to the 42 percent of illegal immigrants who entered the U.S., mostly at airports, with valid visas that they then overstayed. Spending on border security quadrupled in the 1990s, then tripled in the next decade. Now that net immigratio­n of Mexicans has been negative for 10 years, Americans eager to build a wall should not build it on the 1,984mile U.S.-Mexico border but on the 541-mile Mexico-Guatemala border.

Fifty-eight percent of the more than 11 million who are here illegally have been here at least 10 years; 31 percent are homeowners; 33 percent have children who, having been born here, are citizens. The nation would recoil from the police measures necessary to extract these people from their communitie­s.

After 9/11, attitudes about immigratio­n became entangled with policies about terrorism. So, as The Economist noted, “a mass murder committed by mostly Saudi terrorists resulted in an almost limitless amount of money being made available for the deportatio­n of Mexican house-painters.” This month, U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agents raided 98 7-Eleven stores in 17 states, making 21 arrests. Rome was not built in a day and it would be unreasonab­le to expect the government to guarantee, in one fell swoop, that only American citizens will hold jobs dispensing Slurpees and Big Gulps.

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