Dayton Daily News

What was your most embarrassi­ng moment in high school?


Denied a boy when he asked me to Homecoming. – Hannah Toth

During the Northmont Honor Society ceremony, my pants had a bit of a malfunctio­n! I had to hold my pants up as I went up to receive my award. – Stephen Felton.

Tripping over a tennis ball in the middle of my game. – Whitney White

Seeing my teacher at the Buckhorn Tavern and trying to hide, but hitting my head on a wall. – Maddie Auxier

Getting pushed into a giant puddle during baseball practice my sophomore year. – Carson Wagoner

I tripped up the stairs and dropped all my books. – Brianna Brown

I walked into the wrong classroom my freshman year. – Matthew Eilerman

I crashed my car in the parking lot entrance my sophomore year after having my license for one week. – Jennifer Chae

Threw my water bottle down the stairs by accident and it broke. – Alison Hamant

One time at Marching Band rehearsal, I couldn’t remember my solo so the rest of the band had to sing it to me. – Emma Bodiker

What is your best high school memory?

Getting an A in AP Biology. – Isabel Stoffel

Getting an A in AP Chem. – Hannah Toth

The Thespian State Conference. – Stephen Felton Beating Fairmont in Double OT my sophomore year. – Jenna Hoschouer

Watching the State cross country and track meets. – Caitlin Hoyng

Attending National DECA Conference in Anaheim, California as a junior. – Emily Howard

After-prom at Scene 75 with my friends. – Whitney White

Making lots of friends in Physics class junior year. It was a class I was nervous about taking, but getting through it with great friends was a lot of fun. – Maddie Auxier

Playing baseball and winning state for DECA. – Carson Wagoner

Playing softball with the awesome girls on the team. – Sydney McGilton

Playing soccer for my school and spending time with my peers. – Matthew Eilerman

My time in Marching Band. I met a lot of great people and made a lot of memories. – Kyle Selhorst

Traveling to Anaheim for DECA and going to Seal Beach. – Grace Counts

Playing soccer for four years and tp-ing the coaches’ houses. – Alison Hamant

My final Marching Band performanc­e at the Mason competitio­n. – Emma Bodiker

What advice would you give incoming freshmen?

Work hard all four years. Each one is just as important as the last. – Isabel Stoffel

Don’t take AP Chem. – Hannah Toth

Don’t be afraid of yourself. Don’t limit yourself to what you already know how to do. Explore new horizons because you might find the thing you love to do. – Stephen Felton■ Participat­e in anything you could be interested in. Live life and have no regrets. – Jenna Hoschouer

Don’t be afraid of participat­ing. – Caitlin Hoyng

Take advantage of any opportunit­y while you’re able. – Emily Howard

Try your very best. Freshman year counts! Stay strong and get involved early. – Whitney White

Stay involved. Don’t procrastin­ate. Stay positive. Keep your future in mind and where you want to be. – Maddie Auxier

Get involved in your interests and make the most of all four years. – Carson Wagoner

Get involved and don’t be afraid to try new things. It helps a lot with meeting people and making friends. – Sydney McGilton

Always try your hardest – your freshman year grades count towards your final GPA. – Brianna Brown

Don’t feel like you’re too young or inferior to do great things. Use your youth as an opportunit­y to grow and get a head start with your future. – Matthew Eilerman

Work hard. Put 100% into every project, homework assignment, test you do. Also, find a friend you can do anything with. Find someone that will go to every football game with you or will always have your back. – Kyle Selhorst

Work hard during high school because you’ve got an entire, real future waiting after high school – Jennifer Chae

Get involved with things and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. – Alison Hamant

Don’t panic. There is always somebody available who can help you with both school and life. – Emma Bodiker

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