Dayton Daily News

Trump can’t obstruct justice, his lawyers argue to Mueller

Power is too broad, they say in bid to block a subpoena.

- Michael S. Schmidt, MaggieHabe­rman, CharlieSav­age andMattApu­zzo

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’ s lawyers have for months quietly waged a campaign to keep the special counsel from trying to force him to answer questions in the investigat­ion into whether he obstructed justice, asserting that he cannot be compelled to testify and arguing in a confifiden­tial letter that he could not possibly have committed obstructio­n because he has unfettered authority over all federal investigat­ions.

In ab rash assertion of presidenti­al power, the 20- page letter — sent to the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and obtained by The New York Times — contends that the president cannot illegally obstruct any aspect of the investigat­ion into Russia’s election meddling because the Constituti­on empowers him to ,“if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon .”

Trump’s lawyers fear that if he answers questions, either voluntaril­y or in front of a grand jury, he risks exposing himself to accusation­s of lying to investigat­ors, a potential crime or impeachabl­e offense.

Trump’s broad interpreta­tion of executive authority is novel and is likely to be tested if a court battle ensues over whether he could be ordered to answer questions. It is unclear how that fifight, should the case reach that point, would play out. A spokesman for Mueller declined to comment.

“We don’t knowwhat the law is on the intersecti­on between the obstructio­n statutes and the president exercising his constituti­onal power to supervise an investigat­ion in the Justice Department ,” said Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor who oversawthe Justice Department’s Offiffice of Legal Counsel during the Bush administra­tion. “It’s an open question.”

Hand-delivered to the special counsel’s office in January and written by two of the president’s lawyers at the time, John Dowd and Jay Sekulow, the letter offers a rare glimpse into one side of the high- stakes negotiatio­ns over a presidenti­al interview.

The letter also lays out a series of claims that foreshadow a potential subpoena fight that could unfold in the months leading into November’s midterm elections.

“We are reminded of our duty to protect the president and his offiffice,” the lawyers wrote, making their case that Mueller has the informatio­n he needs from tens of thousands of pages of documents they provided and testimony by other witnesses, obviating the necessity for a presidenti­al interview.

Mueller has told the president’s lawyers that he needs to talk to their client to deter- mine whether he had criminal intent to obstruct the investigat­ion into his associates’ possible links to Russia’s election interferen­ce. If Trump refuses to be questioned, Mueller will have to weigh their arguments while deciding whether to press ahead with a historic grand jury subpoena.

Mueller had raised the prospect of subpoenain­g Trump to Dowd in March. Emmet Flood, the White House lawyer for the special counsel investigat­ion, is preparing for that possibilit­y, according to the president’s lead lawyer in the case, Rudy Giuliani.

The attempt to dissuade Mueller fromseekin­g a grand jury subpoena is one of two front son which Trump’ s lawyers are fifighting. In recent weeks, they have also begun a public-relations campaign to discredit the investigat­ion and in part to pre- empt a potentiall­y damaging special counsel report that could prompt impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

Trumpcompl­ained Saturday on Twitter that the disclosure of the letter was a damaging leak to the news media and asked whether the “expensive Witch Hunt Hoax” would ever end.

On both fronts, they have attacked the credibilit­y of a key witness in the inquiry, the fifired FBI director James Comey; complained about what they see as investigat­ive failures; and contested the interpreta­tion of significan­t facts.

Giuliani said in an interview that Trump is telling the truth but that investigat­ors “have a false version of it, we believe, so you’re trapped.” And the stakes are too high to risk being interviewe­d under those circumstan­ces, he added: “That becomes not just a prosecutab­le offense, but an impeachabl­e off ff ff ff ff ff en se .”

 ?? DOUG MILLS / THE NEWYORK TIMES ?? Presidenti­al attorney Rudy Giuliani, seenWednes­day, said theWhite House is preparing for a subpoena of President Trump.
DOUG MILLS / THE NEWYORK TIMES Presidenti­al attorney Rudy Giuliani, seenWednes­day, said theWhite House is preparing for a subpoena of President Trump.

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