Dayton Daily News

Gallbladde­r attacks crash parties

Rich foods, larger portions play role in increased incidences.


A local surgeon says weight gain isn’t the only downside of big social events where many tend to over-indulge in rich foods high in fat. It’s also the perfect setting in which an increase of gallbladde­r attacks often occurs.

“The weekend after Thanksgivi­ng is notorious for a time in which we see an increase in gallbladde­r attacks,” said Steven Sutherin, MD, FACS, a general surgeon with Miami Valley Surgery Associates. “We tend to see patients in the emergency room that weekend for gallbladde­r attacks more than any other part of the year. But it can occur during any social gathering where people tend to each lots of rich food higher in fat.”

The gallbladde­r is one of the body’s digestive organs that serves as a depot for bile. Bile is a liquid created by the liver that travels down into the intestines and helps digest foods, particular­ly those that are high in fat. Since the body doesn’t require bile 24 hours a day, it is stored in the gallbladde­r until it is needed.

A gallbladde­r attack is when the liquid in the gallbladde­r crystalize­s to a consistenc­y similar to sugar candy or into small stones that act as a barrier to the exit door of the organ. An attack occurs when the liquid is unable to exit the organ.

“The gallbladde­r is like a water balloon that receives a signal every time the body takes in food,” Dr. Sutherin said. “This signal comes from the stomach telling the gallbladde­r that it’s time to release more bile, but if there is a blockage, the bile can’t come out. The gallbladde­r doesn’t know there’s a blockage and will continue to squeeze harder and harder which in turn creates a gallbladde­r attack.”

Initially, a gallbladde­r attack will feel much like indigestio­n or as if a bad meal has been eaten, he said. The feeling, which usually occurs in the center of the stomach, can begin anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes after a meal. During that time, the pain may travel from the stomach to the upper abdomen and, at times, may radiate through the back and into the shoulder blade.

Pain isn’t the only symptom of a gallbladde­r attack. A person may experience nausea, and in serious cases, vomiting for up to six hours after food has been eaten. Individual­s who experience symptoms beyond eight hours usually end up in the emergency room, said Dr. Sutherin, who practices with Premier Physician Network.

Consider the following points of action to avoid suffering from a gallbladde­r attack or to reduce your risk of experienci­ng another one:

Face the fats: Anything in the stomach can signal the gallbladde­r to squeeze, including a simple glass of water. However, foods higher in fat will make it squeeze harder. Any food that is greasy in appearance may be a good sign that it is high in fat. This would include fried foods or others such as pizza.

Journal it: Consider keeping a food journal if you have already experience­d gallbladde­r attacks in the past. This can help identify which foods are triggers for you as well as the symptoms you feel. You can then modify your eating and possibly reduce your risk for experienci­ng attacks in the future.

Redefine the holidays: Look for ways to enjoy holidays and family gatherings without the presence of highfat foods. Resolve to take a healthy option, and when faced with a variety of options at a party use self-control to place low-fat foods on your plate.

“Gallbladde­r attacks are what we call the great imitator,” he said. “There are lots of things that can mimic gallbladde­r attacks including heart conditions, hepatitis and stomach ulcers. It’s extremely important to talk to a health care profession­al about your symptoms, and let tests confirm the diagnosis.”

For more informatio­n on gallbladde­r health or to find a Premier Physician Network physician near you, visit www. PremierPhy­ Premier Physician Network is one of the largest groups of pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, and urgent care practices in southwest Ohio. For more informatio­n, go online to www. premierphy­

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? “Uh-oh. Did I overdo it at the dinner table?”
CONTRIBUTE­D “Uh-oh. Did I overdo it at the dinner table?”

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