Dayton Daily News

Why do media not confront bad-faith conservati­ves?

- He writes for the New York Times. Paul Krugman

In late May, The Stanford Daily reported a curious story concerning Niall Ferguson, a conservati­ve historian who is a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institutio­n. The story itself, although ugly, isn’t that important. But it offers a window into a reality few people, certainly in the news media, are willing to acknowledg­e: the bad faith that pervades conservati­ve discourse.

And, yes, I do mean “conservati­ve.” There are dishonest individual­s of every political persuasion, but if you’re looking for systematic gaslightin­g, insistence that up is down and black is white, you’ll find it disproport­ionately on one side of the political spectrum.

But how can I say that the media refuse to acknowledg­e conservati­ve bad faith? While some journalist­s remain squeamish about actually using the word “lie,” and there’s still a tendency for headlines to repeat false talking points, readers do get a generally accurate picture of the extent to which dishonesty prevails within the Trump administra­tion.

It seems to me, however, that the media make Donald Trump’s lies seem more exceptiona­l — and more of a break with previous practice — than they really are.

At a fundamenta­l level, after all, how different is Trump from Fox News, which has spent decades misinformi­ng viewers while denouncing the liberal bias of mainstream media?

And the same kind of bad faith can be seen in other arenas — very much including college campuses. Which brings me back to the Stanford story.

Ferguson is, as it happens, one of those conservati­ve intellectu­als who hyperventi­late about the supposed threat campus activists pose to free speech — indeed, calling the campus left the “biggest threat” to free speech in Trump’s America. At Stanford, he was one of the faculty leaders of a program called Cardinal Conversati­ons, which was supposed to invite speakers who would “air contested issues.”

Among the invited speakers was Charles Murray, famous for a much-debunked book claiming that black-white difference­s in IQ are genetic in nature. Not surprising­ly, the invitation provoked student protests. This was the context in which Ferguson engaged in a series of email communicat­ions with right-wing student activists in which he urged them to “unite against the S.J.W.s” (social justice warriors), “grinding them down.”

Ferguson decried the fact that these days few academic historians are registered Republican­s, which he takes as ipso facto evidence of biased hiring and a hostile environmen­t.

So what’s really going on here? It’s true that self-proclaimed conservati­ves are pretty scarce among U.S. historians. But then, so are self-proclaimed conservati­ves in the “hard,” physical and biological sciences.

Why are there so few conservati­ve scientists? It might be because academics, as a career, appeals more to liberals than to conservati­ves.

But more to the point, conservati­ve claims to be defending free speech and open discussion aren’t sincere. Conservati­ves don’t want ideas evaluated on merit, regardless of politics; they want ideas convenient to their side to get (at least) equal time regardless of their intellectu­al quality.

These days, both universiti­es and news organizati­ons are under constant pressure not just to be nicer to Trump but to respect right-wing views across the board. The people making these demands claim to want fairness.

So you need to remember that this claim is made in bad faith. It has nothing to do with fairness; it’s all about power.

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