Dayton Daily News

Student voices


Jenna Albezreh

I can’t believe it. It all seems surreal to graduate, to be a graduate. I feel like in August I will be going back to Butler High School, driving my Avalon through the parking lot, passing by the Aviator shop and reciting the announceme­nts. I’ll walk into Spanish class and say “Hola!” I’ll feel frustrated in calculus when the integral doesn’t make sense, and I’ll go home and whine about long chemistry problems.

But that’s not the case. I’ve unknowingl­y crossed into a new life realm. Emphasis on unknowingl­y because I’m not ready to leave my city, my school, my home, but what can one do? Life doesn’t wait for anyone; it’s something you just have to keep up with. That’s exactly what “live in the moment” means because there will always be something you look forward to and something you’ll miss. Therefore I plan to just live with what life gives me as I stride into this new realm of life. Gracias!

Kyle Wertz

Vandalia-Butler is a place to learn and grow. I will always have great memories of being a part of the athletic program at Butler. I will forever appreciate my track, cross country, and swimming coaches. They helped me discover my athletic ability and worked tirelessly to help me reach my goals. I am grateful for my accomplish­ments in running, and I will always feel a sense of pride when I remember running with my teammates as a state qualifier in Columbus.

Along with a great athletic experience, I participat­ed in a variety of coursework that prepared me for life in the future. I learned about home maintenanc­e, wood-working, world foods and business. These classes were interestin­g, informativ­e and fun, and I gained valuable life skills. Along with these personal interest courses, I was also able to experience classes like calculus, Advanced Placement chemistry, and Latin that tested my commitment to learning.

These rigorous courses challenged me, and forced me to be discipline­d in my pursuit of an education. I will always appreciate the hard work, humor, and dedication of my teachers. As I move to the next stage of life, I plan to attend Wright State University. My goal is to get a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and continue my education to become a certified nurse anesthetis­t. Because of my experience­s at Vandalia-Butler, I will be able to start my college career with confidence.

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