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EPA staff objected to asbestos use rule

EPA says it will toughen oversight with new measure.

- Lisa Friedman ©2018 The New York Times

Top officials WASHINGTON — at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency pushed through a measure to review applicatio­ns for using asbestos in consumer products, and did so over the objections of EPA’s in-house scientists and attorneys, internal agency emails show.

The clash over the proposal exposes the tensions within the EPA over the Trump administra­tion’s efforts to roll back environmen­tal rules and rewrite other regulation­s that industries have long fought.

The proposed new rule would create a new process for regulating uses of asbestos, something the EPA is obliged to do under a 2016 amendment to a toxic substances law.

The EPA says it is toughening oversight. However, the way its new rule is written has spawned a spirited debate over whether it will actually make it easier for asbestos to come back into more widespread use. Consumer groups say the agency should be looking for ways to prohibit asbestos entirely.

“The new approach raises significan­t concerns about the potential health impacts,” wrote Sharon Cooperstei­n, an EPA policy analyst, in one of the emails. She, along with a veteran EPA scientist and a longtime agency attorney, said the proposal as designed left open the possibilit­y that businesses could start using asbestos in some cases without getting the government’s assessment, putting the public at risk.

The asbestos plan, which was introduced with little fanfare in June, stems from the EPA’s responsibi­lity to regulate chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act and fulfill an Obama-era amendment that requires the agency to regularly re-evaluate the harmfulnes­s of toxic materials. Asbestos is the most prominent of the current batch of substances the EPA is deciding how best to regulate in the future.

Andrew R. Wheeler, EPA’s acting administra­tor, said the EPA’s plan would make it more difficult to use asbestos in products. The EPA, he wrote on Twitter, “is proposing a new rule that would allow for the restrictio­n of asbestos manufactur­ing and processing of new uses of asbestos.”

The Trump administra­tion has made government deregulati­on — of environmen­tal rules, banking guidelines and myriad other regulatory areas — a centerpiec­e of its policy agenda, and the EPA has been at the forefront of the effort. In recent weeks the agency detailed one of its most significan­t efforts, a major weakening of federal auto-emissions regulation­s.

Attorney General Maura Healey of Massachuse­tts is leading an effort among Democratic state attorneys to fight the asbestos plan, calling it a threat to human health. Exposure to asbestos has been linked to lung cancer, mesothelio­ma and other ailments.

“In recent years, tens of thousands have died from mesothelio­ma and other diseases caused by exposure to asbestos and other dangerous chemicals,” she said. “If the Trump administra­tion’s erosion of federal chemical safety rules continues, it will endanger our communitie­s and the health of all Americans.”

The new EPA proposal is called a “significan­t newuse rule” that sets out the guidelines for what types of asbestos uses the federal government considers risky enough to evaluate and perhaps restrict or ban.

The internal EPA emails indicate that, this year, top EPA officials sought a last-minute change in the language of the rule.

“Upper management asked us to take a different approach,” wrote Robert T. Courtnage, an associate chief in EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, in an April 25 email sent to 13 members of an agency group working on the then-forthcomin­g proposal. Specifical­ly: Rather than call for all new uses of asbestos to come before the EPA for a risk review, the rule would include just 15 specific uses that would trigger a federal assessment.

The list of 15 included a number of specific and relatively common uses for asbestos, including as separators in fuel cells and batteries and as a component in vinyl-asbestos floor tile and high-grade electrical paper.

Courtnage in his email did not identify who had sought the change. He and other EPA officials who wrote the emails did not respond to requests for comment.

Critics of the rule argue that limiting the review to 15 uses means other potential uses would avoid examinatio­n.

“This is presuming there’s nothing under the sun you could ever do with asbestos other than these 15 things,” said Betsy Southerlan­d, former director of the EPA’s office of science and technology, in an interview. Southerlan­d resigned from the EPA last year over the Trump administra­tion’s leadership of the agency and is working on opposing the asbestos rule and others for the Environmen­tal Protection Network, a group of agency alumni.

Narrowing the list to 15 potential uses took EPA scientists and attorneys by surprise, the emails indicate. Three staff members argued in the emails that the agency could not anticipate all future uses of asbestos, and therefore risked letting some uses take place without being weighed for safety risks.

Under the EPA’s approach, if the agency “failed to correctly anticipate some other new use, then it seems to me that the manufactur­e of such a product would not be subject to” the newuse rule, wrote Susan Fairchild, an environmen­tal scientist who has worked at the agency since 1991.

“Asbestos is an extremely dangerous substance with no safe exposure amount,” Mark Seltzer, an attorney who has been with EPA more than a decade, noted in another email.

A spokesman for the EPA, James Hewitt, said the emails indicated staff and other members of the working group on asbestos “did not fully understand the proposal being developed.”

In a telephone interview this week, Nancy B. Beck, the EPA’s deputy assistant administra­tor in the agency’s chemical safety office, said the rules would restrict and perhaps even ban some uses of asbestos where no means of doing so currently exist. “Obviously someone out there thinks we are increasing exposure to asbestos when we are doing the opposite,” she said.

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 ?? JIM WILSON / NEW YORK TIMES ?? Workers remove asbestos debris in Santa Rosa, Calif., in 2017. Top officials at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency pushed through a measure to review applicatio­ns for using asbestos in consumer products in 2018, and did so over the objections of EPA’s in-house staff, agency emails show.
JIM WILSON / NEW YORK TIMES Workers remove asbestos debris in Santa Rosa, Calif., in 2017. Top officials at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency pushed through a measure to review applicatio­ns for using asbestos in consumer products in 2018, and did so over the objections of EPA’s in-house staff, agency emails show.

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